Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) - G. Bailey Page 0,23


“Close your eyes and listen to the world around you. Focus on the peace of the world,” Mike says to us as all four of them sit down. I place my hands in my lap and close my eyes, listening to the sounds of everyone breathing and not liking having to sit still for this amount of time. Eventually Mike calls out that we can open our eyes, and I see Oliver standing at the front, holding a pot with a small green plant in the middle of it. Very slowly the plant grows into the air into a small tree, and dozens of long branches stretch across the sky above us. I jump when something lands in my lap, and I look down to see a small red jewel that sparkles in the light.

“A gift from us to you,” Oliver says, and I look around to see everyone has a different coloured crystal in their hands. “Why don’t you all come and talk to a light angel and ask any questions you wish.”

Riley is up in seconds, walking over to Oliver, I suspect, and I follow him over. By the time I get through the other students, they are deep in conversation and laughing. Oliver places his hand on Riley’s shoulder as I get closer.

“Hey, I’m Kaitlyn Lightson,” I say, offering my hand to Oliver. He looks at it for a moment and then ignores me completely.

“Riley, I have a PlayStation 4 in my room. Want to ditch class and come play?”

“Yeah, man!” Riley all but shouts. “Later, Katy.” He calls to me as they both walk away. It becomes clear to me that light angels might look all holy and perfect, but on the inside? They can be just as dark as the rest of us.

Chapter 13

“What the hell is that noise?” I grumble, pushing back my covers and looking at the window. It’s still dark outside. I crawl out of my bed, following the sound of the thumping music to my door, and look out to see Jessica holding a stereo above her head with a line of barely dressed dark angels dancing next to her.

“Party time, bitches,” Jessica shouts as Vesnia opens the door, looking as half asleep as I am. “Especially you, Lightson!” she shouts, her voice cutting through my groggy senses and waking me up. “Get dressed into something sexy, everyone!” Without even acknowledging her, I slam my door shut and instantly wish it had a lock on it as Ves walks in, looking far more awake.

“We should get dressed and see what they want. They aren’t going to go away,” she replies and walks to my wardrobe, tugging it open. I pull my hair up into a messy ponytail as Vesnia chucks the only dress I have at me.

“Fine,” I mutter as Vesnia goes through the bathroom to her room to no doubt get ready. I pull off my pyjamas and slide into the silver dress I’ve never worn before. My mum bought it for me because she said it was on sale and it reminded her of me. The silver material is soft, sticking to my body almost perfectly and falling to my knees. It has a sweetheart neckline and gaps on the sides, showing off my ribs. Thankfully, it has a built-in bra, so I don’t need to wear one. I slide on my socks and Doc Martens before grabbing a packet of Parma Violets.

Not bothering with knocking, I head through the bathroom and into Vesnia’s room as she finishes brushing her long, kinda crazy but beautiful red hair. I pop a sweet into my mouth as I wait for her to put on her shoes, and we both head out into the corridor. Jessica and her backup angels are at the top of the stairs, and I eat another sweet for good luck as we head up to meet them. The music is still blasting loudly, and it makes me wonder if the teachers care at all. Jessica takes her time running her gaze over me, and whatever she sees, she clearly isn’t impressed with.

“Finally,” she overdramatically huffs and claps her hands. “The boys have already gone, but I suppose it doesn’t take them long to get ready for a party.”

“There’s a party?” Vesnia asks with interest.

“Of course! It’s the first day of seeing what dark angels really do for you guys, and hosting a party is a good way to see the action,” she replies and practically bounces to

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