Dark and Light - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,44

inside you after all?”

“Wonderful,” Raze admitted. “When I was a young male, all I wanted in the world was to have a Drake like all the other males on my home world. I used to pray to the Goddess to make it so.” He shook his head. “She has answered the two desires of my heart on the same night and at the same time.”

“I’m so happy for you.” Luci leaned down and kissed him. “And before you ask again, no, I’m not upset about your dragon. I’m just happy to be bonded to you.” She bit her lip. “As long as you’re happy to be bonded to me?”

“How can you doubt it?” Raze asked hoarsely. “Can’t you feel my joy? You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, Lucia. And I thank the Goddess you convinced me to try bonding again. I—”

Just then, he froze—his head cocked to one side as though listening intently. Luci felt a surge of fear and concern coming through their new link.

“What? What is it?” she asked anxiously.

“Your mother.” There was a low growl in Raze’s voice. “The children—there’s a problem.”


Luci’s heart was racing as they got untangled from each other and threw on their clothes.

“What’s wrong? What did you hear?” she demanded as they raced out of Raze’s apartment and down the stairs together—neither of them wanted to wait for the elevator.

He shook his head.

“Not sure but I think I heard your mother calling for help. I’m going on ahead.”

And with that, he put on an astonishing burst of speed that left Lucia panting behind him. She was grateful he was so protective of her family but at the same time, her heart was crying out with fear inside her.

“Please,” she prayed, though she wasn’t sure who she was praying to. “Please, oh please—not my mom or my kids! Let them be okay! Please!”

When she finally reached the open door of her apartment, she saw that chaos reigned inside.

Lady was lying on her side, whining weakly, obviously injured, and Luci’s mom was clutching an arm which might be broken. The twins were holding hands and crying on one corner and Frannie…

Luci’s eyes flew around the living room desperately.

“Frannie!” she exclaimed and looked at her mother. “Mami, where’s Frannie? Where’s my little girl?”

“Oh, Lucia!” Her mother broke down crying. “That hijo de puta, Tony took her!” she wailed. “I’m so sorry, mija—I tried to stop him but he had a baseball bat! He hit Lady when she tried to keep Frannie safe and he hit me too.” She nodded at her arm.

“Where did they go? How long as it been?” Raze demanded.

“I don’t know where they went—out of the building I think.” Luci’s mom shook her head. “And it’s only been five minutes or so—if you hurry you might catch him!”

“I’m going!” Raze turned to her. “You stay here—it might be dangerous.”

“No!” Luci exclaimed. “Frannie is my baby! I’m going with you.” She looked at her mom. “Will you be okay?”

“Go—go, mija.” Her mom jerked her chin at the door. “Get the baby back. She was scared to death when he grabbed her.” Her wrinkled face dissolved into tears. “Madre de Dios, what are we going to do?”

“We’re going to get her back,” Raze growled. “Come on, Lucia.” And he grabbed her hand and dragged her down the hallway.


Raze could smell the little girl’s scent clearly—it was a familiar one to him, though now it was laced with fear. She was clearly terrified of her biological father and no wonder! A male who would hurt an animal and an elderly female and kidnap a child was out of control.

He had to find her before it was too late.

Once out on the street, the scent became a little less clear because it was mixed with so many others. Raze spent a moment with his nose lifted to the air, sorting the different smells to find the ones he wanted—Frannie’s sweet little girl smell and the sour stink of the angry, crazy male who had snatched her.

“Where is she? Can you find her?” Luci asked anxiously. Raze wished his mate would have stayed inside with her mother and the twins but he understood why she couldn’t. First and foremost she was a mother and he could feel her terror at the thought that her disgusting ex-mate had stolen her daughter away.

As he thought that, he finally caught Frannie’s scent again.

“This way!” he exclaimed and ran down the sidewalk as fast as he could.

He skidded to a stop in front

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