Dark and Light - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,43

same time, the head of his cock pressed hard against the mouth of her womb and Raze began to come.

As before, Luci found the sensation of the big Kindred’s hot seed spurting deep inside her incredibly arousing. It made her so hot, in fact, that she felt her inner channel going tight with an orgasm. As she contracted all around him, her pussy drinking thirstily from the nourishment he was providing, Luci moaned his name and told him how much she loved him. And then she heard him say,

“I love you too, sweetheart.”

Only his voice was coming from inside her head.


“I love you too,” Raze told her and knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that it had finally happened—he had been able to bond a female to him!

He felt a sense of power inside him—a happiness that was almost too great to bear. There was look of shock and tentative joy on Luci’s face as she heard his mental voice for the first time and felt the surge of love and tenderness Raze was directing at her.

“What…how can I hear you in my head?” she asked aloud, uncertainly. “When we’re not wearing those Think-me thingies?”

“It’s the mark of a true soul-bond,” Raze told her, hardly able to believe his good fortune. “For a Kindred male to be able to send and receive thoughts from his mate.”

“Does…does that mean we’re bonded, then?” she sent, trying out their new link herself. “I mean, I don’t feel any pain.”

“No, there is only pleasure. Our bond is complete.”

Raze blinked and saw the confusion flash across Luci’s face.

“Raze,” she whispered uncertainly. “Raze, who is that?”

“It is me,” the deep, growling voice answered.

Raze felt a pair of vast, webbed wings unfurling inside him as the Drake stretched, as though awakening from a long slumber.

“I am Raze’s Drake,” it informed them both. “I have been sleeping all his life but your love awakened me.”

This last was directed at Lucia who was still sitting astride Raze with a stunned expression on her face.

“You mean you’re his dragon?” she whispered. “Dios!”

“I am. I have been waiting for you, Lucia,” the Drake informed her. “I have slumbered, dreaming of you for all my life. When finally you arrived, I was able to awaken.”

Raze was afraid of what this new third party might do to their tentative new bonding. After all, when she had fallen in love with him, Lucia hadn’t bargained on him having a Drake inside.

But his new mate must have felt his trepidation through their new bond, because Lucia hastened to reassure him.

“It’s all right, baby,” she told Raze. “I love animals, remember? That is…” She hesitated. “If it’s all right to call you an animal?” she asked the Drake.

Raze felt the Drake stretch and shake out its scales.

“Of course,” it told Lucia. “I am, after all, a beast—though I am a sentient one.”

“Dios, Raze, this is amazing!” Lucia told him. “How big are you?” she asked the Drake.

Raze felt uncertainty from this new half of himself.

“I do not know, as I have never taken solid form before,” it told Lucia. “Shall I do so now?”

“What? No!” Raze exclaimed. He knew how big Drakes could get—not a single one of them was smaller than a shuttle and most were quite a bit larger. “You can’t right now—Lucia and I are still joined,” he told his other half. “You’d hurt her!”

“I will not take form then,” the Drake said at once. “For I love Lucia with all my heart—I would never hurt her.”

“Of course you wouldn’t,” Lucia said, smiling. “I want to see you in all your glory, Drake, but a little later—all right?”

“I will be pleased to show myself anytime you call me. For now, I sleep again,” the Drake informed them.

Raze had a very clear mental image of it putting its huge head under one webbed wing and then there was silence from the new entity inside him.


“Well, that was…something,” Luci said. She was filled with awe at having talked to a real-live dragon—one whom apparently lived inside her new mate. Was that what Raze was to her now? She guessed he must be, since they were bonded. Which meant he was never leaving her again.

“That’s exactly what it means, sweetheart,” Raze told her and she knew he had heard her thought through their bond. “Er…” He cleared his throat. “But are you sure you’re not upset about this…development?”

“Are you?” Luci asked him frankly. “I mean, how does it feel to know you have a dragon

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