Dark and Light - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,121

with murder—but we believe he is innocent. In fact, we have evidence proving it. Will you go and defend him? If you won’t, I’ll have to find someone else quickly. The prisoner is going to be put to death in a matter of days unless someone intervenes.”

“Put to death?” Imani’s dark eyes flashed fire. “Point me in the right direction, Commander Sylvan—I’ll be there to fight for him as soon as you need me.”

Sylvan looked pleased.

“You’re right,” he said to Alli. “She does have a very strong sense of justice.”

“She feels injustice personally, I believe,” Alli murmured, smiling proudly at her protégé.

“I do.” Imani nodded. “My big brother was sent to prison for a crime he didn’t commit. He…” Her voice faltered for a moment. “He died there.” She straightened her shoulders. “That’s what made me want to do the kind of work I do and fight for people who don’t have anyone else to fight for them.”

“Well, you’ll certainly have a fight on your hands,” Sylvan told her dryly. “The court you’ll be arguing in has some very…shall we say odd rules. But I believe you’re up to it.” He held out a hand to her. “Councilor Imani, welcome to the Kindred Legal Team.”

Imani shook his hand and smiled.

“Thank you, Commander Sylvan. I can’t wait to get started.”

Alli smiled with pride at the young woman beside her. It looked like Imani would be going on a little adventure, but she was sure her protégé was up to the challenge.

In the meantime, she would have a few challenges of her own—including motherhood. She turned her gaze on Kane, who was watching her with a hungry smile on his face.

“I know what you’re thinking,” she sent through their link. “You want to have bonding sex again. But remember, you already made me pregnant!”

“Let’s try for twins,” Kane growled in her head. “It seems your protégé is going to do well here, so all your loose ends are tied up. Let’s go home, Allisandra—I want you.”

“I want you, too,” Alli sent him and felt a warm surge of lust through their bond. As she rose and took his arm, she felt as though her heart might overflow.

Just a month or so ago, she had been ready to settle for a loveless, childless marriage just so she wouldn’t have to spend the rest of her life alone. Now she had a mate she adored and a baby on the way. Her life had done a complete turn-around and she couldn’t be happier about it.

Thank you, Goddess, she prayed as she and Kane said their goodbyes. Thank you that I was…Captured by the Kru’ell One.

The End?

Of course not!

There are always more Kindred Tales coming. Next up in Imani’s adventure with the Nightwalker Kindred. I want to thank everyone who sent in ideas again. And don’t feel bad if your idea wasn’t used yet, you never can tell what may spark my muse—the next book might be dedicated to you!

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PS—The two books in this Duet Novel are very different and I would like to know which you enjoyed the most. If you’d like to let me know, please take a quick minute to fill out this SURVEY asking about what you as my reader like and want from my next book. (It also asks your age but don’t worry, I won’t share the results or tell anyone. A lady never tells, after all ; ) It’s only 4 or 5 questions so if you have a minute, please fill it out. Those who do, are entering themselves in a drawing for a signed copy of Dark and Light. If you win the drawing, I will ship it right to your house with all my love.

: ) Evangeline

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Nocturne Academy, Book Three.

Coming Soon



Bran O’Connor was hard to look at.

I don’t just mean he was ugly, although if I was being honest, he really was. He had lank brownish hair, small no-color eyes, and really just terrible skin. Like pizza-face bad is what I mean. He was also shorter than me, thin verging on scrawny, and one

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