Dark and Light - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,120

turns out that many of the warriors were wishing for a permanent relationship with the female of their choice, but having Calm in a girl’s system made her emotions too muted to feed them for long,” Alli explained to Sylvan.

“But now that we’re no longer dosing the humans, my warriors will be able to find permanent brides like I have, instead of temporary concubines,” Kane added.

“I’m glad to hear you’re making such sweeping reforms,” Sylvan said, nodding. “But it sounds like you still have a lot of hard work ahead of you.”

“Which is one reason we’re here,” Alli told him. “I’m afraid that I’m going to have to resign my job with the Kindred of the Mother Ship. My place is at Kane’s side now. I’m going to help him through the legal aspects of setting up the new co-equal human/Kindred society on his version of Earth.”

“Well, we didn’t really expect you to travel between universes every day to get to work,” Sylvan said dryly. “That is, putting it mildly, one hell of a commute.”

Alli laughed. “You could say that. Plus, I don’t think I’ll want to be doing too much traveling in the near future.” She placed a hand on her belly which was very slightly rounded. “I’m expecting, you see.”

Sylvan smiled.

“Congratulations, Allisandra. I know the two of you will make wonderful parents.”

“We’re certainly going to try,” Alli said. “But I don’t want to leave you high and dry. I know I’m not exactly giving you two week’s notice, but I’d like to suggest a replacement for my position, if I may.”

Sylvan looked interested.

“Please do. Any human Councilor you recommend is certain to have a sterling reputation.”

“She does,” Alli said earnestly. “Her name is Imani Williams. She was my intern—I mentored her for years and I’ve seen her grow into a fine attorney. She’s a little young and inexperienced but she’s extremely smart and she has a sense of justice and a love of the law that’s unequaled in any lawyer I’ve ever met.”

“I’d be pleased to meet her,” Sylvan said gravelly. “If you’d like to have her make an appointment?”

“No need,” Alli said quickly. “I wanted to introduce her in person while I was in this ‘verse, as Kane calls it.” She smiled briefly at her mate. “She’s right outside your office door. Do you mind if I invite her in?”

“Please do.” Sylvan made an expansive motion.

Getting up, Alli went to the door and opened it. Imani was sitting there with her briefcase clutched in her lap and a tense expression on her pretty face. She was wearing her best interview suit and when she caught Alli’s eye, she raised her eyebrows in a silent question.

“Commander Sylvan wants to meet you,” Alli told her, smiling. “Come on—you’ll do great. Just pretend he’s a judge or a jury.”

One thing about Imani was her contradictory nature. She was shy almost to the point of muteness when meeting new people, but put her in a courtroom setting with a defendant who had been wronged, and she was as fiery as a dragon.

Rising, Imani brushed her long, black braids behind one ear and followed Alli into Commander Sylvan’s office. Alli saw her lift her chin and make eye-contact and knew how difficult it was for Imani. She liked to call herself an “extroverted introvert”—meaning she could force herself to get over her shyness and meet new people, but it really cost her some effort to do so.

“Hello, Councilor Imani, is it?” Sylvan raised his eyebrows.

“Commander Sylvan—so nice to meet you.” Imani’s soft voice was belied by her firm handshake.

“I understand you’re very interested in using the law to right wrongs which have been done to people,” Sylvan said to her.

“Yes, definitely!” Imani’s dark eyes flashed as some of her fire came out. “I’m a civil rights attorney and I deal with a lot of cases where people have been wrongly imprisoned.”

Sylvan nodded thoughtfully.

“In that case, I think I have something that might interest you. A trial case to see if you and the Kindred are a good fit. Are you interested?”

“Can you give me the details?” Imani asked.

“I certainly can, but I have to warn you, this will involve some travel. You’ll have to fold space and go to a distant planet—are you all right with that?”

Imani lifted her chin.

“I can do that. Who is the defendant?”

“A Nightwalker Kindred.” Sylvan frowned. “They’re a very rare branch of the Kindred family tree. Rare to vanishing, I’m afraid. This particular warrior has been charged

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