Dare To Love - Lylah James Page 0,6


Maddox shrugged, quite nonchalantly. “You were in my way. Whoops.”

Is he serious?

He took a step forward, his bigger body closing in on my small frame. “I have an extra shirt in my locker. I’ll give it to you, considering the one you’re wearing is soaked.”

His voice lowered into a raspy tone when he spoke his next words. “But one condition. If I give you my shirt, I get to keep your bra. It’s cute. I love the little flowers on them, baby.”

I stumbled back, aghast. I knew he was immature, rude, and vulgar, but this was a whole other level of douchebaggery. Murder is a crime, Lila. You could go to prison for a very long time.

My eyes narrowed on him. “You know what? I don't have time for this. Go take your shitty attitude and try to impress another girl with it.”

Maddox blinked, his goofy smile disappearing for a nanosecond, before his eyes lit up, almost as if he loved me rebuffing him.

I swiveled around, dumped my empty coffee cup into the garbage, and decided to walk away from Maddox. Too bad he was standing in my way, refusing to budge. I inwardly rolled my eyes and pushed past him. He was standing so close that I was forced to touch him, our bodies slightly rubbing against each other as I went by. A cocky smirk was plastered on his stupidly handsome face.

Fine. He wanted to play… then I’d play.

After taking two steps forward, I did a little side twist, which allowed my bag to hit him. Bullseye. When I heard a hiss of pain, I knew that the corner of my bag had bumped into his crotch, and his dick probably felt the impact, too.

I turned my head and gave Maddox a look over my shoulder. He had doubled over and was cupping himself between the legs. “You were in my way. Whoops,” I said lazily, repeating his earlier words.

My middle name is ‘Petty Bitch.’ I didn’t have time for a reckless bad boy, but I also wouldn’t let him play me like his other fangirls.

His ocean blue eyes locked on mine, and they darkened the slightest bit. Maddox straightened his spine and stood at his full height again. He was imposing, his presence almost owning the whole coffee shop. I sent him a sugary sweet smile before walking away.

If I didn’t leave this coffee shop in one minute, I was going to be late for my English class.

The intensity of his gaze burned into my back. I could feel the heat of it, of him. My cheeks flamed, and my body grew warmer. I knew he was looking at my ass. I could feel it.

Maddox Coulter was officially on my shit list.



I was on time for my English class and successfully submitted my essay – all thanks to the spare shirt I had in my locker. The one I wore this morning was soaked from my spilled iced coffee by the boy who shall not be named.

As soon as the bell rang, indicating the start of class, Mrs. Levi started her lecture about Greek Mythology. She went back and forth from the textbook and writing notes on the chalkboard.

Science might be my passion, but English was my favorite subject. I loved reading, loved learning about the language - every little piece of it. My interest began with Shakespeare, although it was Edgar Allen Poe who made me fall in love with English.

“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.”

I may or may not have memorized most of his poems after reading them over and over again. There was just something eerily beautiful with the way he weaved his words together.

“Medusa has several myths about her life, the most common ones are of her death and her, rather, painful demise.” Mrs. Levi’s voice snapped me to the present as she introduced us to the history of Medusa. “This will be our focus for the next two weeks. Your next assignment will be based on this particular topic, so make sure you’re doing your research at home and come to class with your questions. The essay will be fifteen percent of your final mark. We’ll be discussing it in more depth the next couple of days.”

She continued to talk about Medusa, and I wrote down all my notes, marking the important ones with my red pen. I liked to keep my things organized, even though to

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