Dare To Love - Lylah James Page 0,5


I let my eyes travel the length of the wall that bumped into me. Okay, not a wall then. He was definitely human. But a rock nonetheless. I had felt those hard muscles when he knocked me over. It was like a truck hitting me, and I swore he must have given me a concussion from that whiplash.

My gaze went up and up…and up. Jesus Christ, he was tall. I was basically a midget next to him at five foot two inches.

My eyes stayed longer on his stomach, and for a brief moment, I wondered if he had six-pack abs. His wide chest caught my attention next. He was tall and lean, but still muscular and a bit bigger for his age. I could instantly tell he played football – his strong arms and muscular shoulders told me so, and he had a gym/sports bag thrown over his right shoulder. His school blazer molded to his upper body perfectly. Deliciously.

Sweet Mother Mary… I was supposed to be angry, right?

When my gaze finally landed on his face, my eyes decided they’d been blessed. A classic gorgeous boy. Chiseled jawline that could give you a papercut if you touched it? Check. Piercing eyes? Check. Thick eyebrows? Check. Plump lips made for kissing? Check. Intense good looks? Double check. He was a fine specimen, and I wanted to put him under my microscope for a closer look.

His dirty blond hair was curly and the tight curls ended a good inch or two above his shoulders. It gave him a surfer look, a bit wild and outgoing.

Wait. Hold up.

I stumbled a step back and took a good look at his face. My lips parted, completely dumbstruck, and I choked on my saliva silently. Are you kidding me?

Out of everyone… out of 325 boys at Berkshire, I had to bump into HIM?

He eyed me up and down, his gaze scanning my body leisurely like I had done to him. My cheeks flamed, not because he was checking me out – no, because he had obviously caught me checking him out. Could this day get any worse?

He cocked his head to the side, his deep blue eyes flashing with mischief. His eyes caressed my bare legs and then he followed the path up. My beige school skirt came to mid-thigh, only a few inches above my knees. He seemed to take great pleasure in watching my bare skin.

Slowly, his gaze moved up. Mister-Who-Bumped-Into-Me blatantly stared at my boobs. He was so goddamn obvious. The corner of his lips tilted up, and he gave me the perfect swoon worthy smirk.

He chuckled, a deep laugh that came out roughly from within his chest. “Well, I guess that’ll perk them up a little.”


His buddies snickered and chortled with laughter. Cole Bennett, one of the twins, even doubled over and wheezed like he had just heard the best joke of the century.

I followed his gaze to my chest and then I looked back at him. Wait…was he…did he…just…?

My body tensed, and I straightened my spine. “Excuse me?”

My brain had finally caught on, and I could feel the steam coming out of my ears. How dare he!

I crossed my arms over my chest, my cheeks burning hot, and I held back an irritated growl. Yes, my boobs were petite. The two mounds were almost non-existent compared to the other girls my age, and they basically stopped growing when I was fourteen.

But. He. Did. Not. Have. To. Rub. That. In. My. Face.

Oh wait, I forgot. He was an asshole. The asshole.

Maddox Coulter.

Berkshire Academy’s Star Quarterback.

Reckless bad boy. Infamous playboy.

The Casanova of the senior class and its golden boy.

And yes, a Class-A jerk, with unparalleled levels of douchebaggery.

Maddox was well-known in Berkshire. His face was catalogued into everyone’s brain and heart, and I wanted nothing to do with him. Except, out of 325 boys in our school, I had to bump into him today.

He was still smirking, and I let out an irritated sigh. “Are you going to apologize to me or not? You bumped into me,” I seethed, shoving my empty cup between us.

His dark blue eyes narrowed on my boobs again. Apparently, Mr. Coulter had a short attention span because he chose to ignore my words and decided to focus on my tits instead. The same tits he just insulted.

I crossed my arms over my chest again and glowered at him and his buddies. His gaze finally met mine, and I hated that he had such beautiful eyes. He didn’t deserve

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