Daddy Ink (Get Ink'd #1) - Ali Lyda Page 0,63

in sweatpants and a black, tight t-shirt that was riding up enough to show the shadow of his abs. I wanted to lean over and lick the exposed skin, but Giuliana was happily babbling between us. She investigated her toes, tasting them, staring at them, flexing them.

“There are signs for her, too. She’s almost four months now, right?”

Gordo sighed heavily, flopping back on the floor. “Yes. Don’t remind me. I feel like I’m going to go to sleep and wake up, and she’ll be in college.”

“Don’t despair. If I remember from my foster time, six months is when it gets really fun. Solid foods, better b-back and forths—” at that moment, Giuliana let loose with a loud toot, prompting us both to laugh. “And they get even funnier, though little Miss G is already my favorite source of c-comedy.”

Gordo rolled onto his side and propped his head on his hand. “Little Miss G?”

“Absolutely. All kids need a nickname. Anyway, let me show you some signs.”

We practiced them with each other, and then with Giuliana. “More” and “eat” and “drink”. She would stare at us, try them, and then get bored and go back to her toes. Eventually, though, her eyelids began to flutter shut.

“Naptime,” Gordo whispered as he stood, leaning over to pick Giuliana up. “Be right back.”

Man, I loved watching Gordo leave a room. He was wearing sweatpants and managed to make them look good. His ass was firm, and I knew from experience now that it was quite grabbable. And if Giuliana was going down for a nap, there was time for some different kinds of lessons for Gordo.

When he appeared again, I was semi-hard in my jeans at just the thought of being able to touch him. “I think we should raise the s-stakes.”

Gordo stopped, head tilted so that his hair flopped sexily over his eye. “Oh?”

“For every sign you get right, I’ll t-take off a piece of c-clothing.”

Gordo sat in front of me, making no effort to hide how he looked at my body, his eyes filled with hunger. “And if I get it wrong?”

“You lose a piece of c-clothing.”

I started him off easy, picking signs that were simple. Things that we’d gone over with Giuliana. He nailed ‘more,’ ‘eat,’ and ‘excited.’ That had left me without my socks (Gordo had not appreciated that I treated each as its own piece) and no shirt.

But when I was half naked, and he was still far too clothed, I changed tactics. I asked him to sign my name and his, and he got stuck on the letter “r”. He hadn’t been wearing socks, so his shirt was first to go. Gordo had a body that spoke of pushups and time at the gym. His abs were particularly enticing and I imagined running my tongue over them. Eager for more, I asked for the signs for “sexy” and “touch.”

Finally, he was mostly naked and chuckling. “I don’t think you even taught me those signs, Javi.”

“Nope. I just wanted to see you naked,” I admitted, getting onto all fours and crawling over to him.

“I’m not all the way there, yet,” he said, voice husky.

“I don’t want to wait another second,” I replied before kissing him.

Our kiss became feverish in no time, all tongues and hot presses of muscle and moans. I crawled further until I was straddling him. The hot, hard ridges of our erections rubbed against each other through our underwear, and the front of my boxer briefs grew damp with precum.

Gordo grabbed my hips, fingers digging into the meaty muscle there in the most delicious way. “All the way naked now,” he demanded. Not one to argue, I moved off of him just long enough to strip bare as he did the same. Then he gave me a crooked finger. “Come back to me.”

I settled myself back on his lap, my knees snug on either side of his hips. Our cocks touched, sliding against each other, the sensation making me gasp. Gordo kissed my neck, tongue laving along my jugular and collarbone. I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling lightly until I heard him groan.

He took my wrist and brought my hand to his mouth. With aching slowness, he sucked my fingers and licked my palm, wetting it thoroughly with his moist tongue. Then he guided my hand between us, closing my fingers around his cock.

It felt like velvet, the hardness of it making my breath catch. He was hard like that for me. I didn’t need Copyright 2016 - 2024