
She nodded eagerly.

I'm going to help you remember some things, is that okay?

Is this kind of like hypnosis or something?

That's exactly what it's like

She frowned. You won't make me cluck like a chicken or anything, will you

Raj wanted to laugh, but he replied seriously. No. That would be a betrayal of your trust, and I would never do that, sweetheart.

Okay, then.

Raj heard Sarah moving restlessly behind him. The entire conversation with Jennifer would have taken only minutes, but he had a sudden image of what Sarah must be seeing. Him kneeling in front of the young woman, her gaze locked on his, her face suffused with happiness, as if he was the most wonderful person she'd ever met. He cleared his throat and spoke out loud. “Jennifer, did you lie earlier when I asked about the blood houses?"

The girl's eyes filled with tears that spilled down her cheeks. “I'm sorry,” she whispered.

"Why did you lie, sweetheart?"

"I'm not allowed,” she said in a childlike voice. “My parents would get really, really mad at me."

"Did you tell the police about it?"

"No! They'd tell!"

"I won't tell."

She smiled happily. “I know."

"So you can tell me the truth, can't you? You can tell me about the blood house."

"Yes,” she nodded vigorously. “My friend Kara and I went twice. It was scary at first, but the vampires were really nice. And some of them were good-looking too, just like the romance books say."

Raj turned his head to share his amusement with Sarah and was startled to find her glaring at him. He frowned, but switched his attention back to Jennifer, not wanting to lose her or the perfectly clear image he was getting of a blood house he recognized from his own tenure in this city. “Did you meet anyone at the blood house, Jennifer? Anyone special?"

The young girl blushed. “There was one guy. He really seemed to like me. We danced all night, and he said I should come there again, that maybe we could go out or something."

Raj frowned at the image he was getting from her, which was no image at all. Whoever it was had spent enough time with her to seduce her mind and alter her memories.

"He really liked my jacket."

Raj blinked. “Your jacket?"

"It wasn't really mine,” Jen confided, leaning closer to him. “I borrowed it from Trish. She has such nice clothes.” Jen looked sad. “She was wearing our jacket when she went away."

Raj stared at her intently. “Do you remember the vampire's name, Jennifer? The one who danced with you?"

She frowned. “I can't remember."

"What did he look like?"

She frowned again, looking down at their joined hands and concentrating. “I can't remember that either. I'm sorry.” She looked up at him and he could tell she was growing increasingly distraught as she tried to break through the other vampire's conditioning in order to please him. He didn't want that.

"That's all right,” he said quickly, soothing her. “You've been very helpful tonight."

"I have?"

"Absolutely.” He took her arm and led her over to one of the twin beds. “You should sleep now."