
"What's the connection? Why Estelle Edwards, and why those women?"

"Blood,” he said succinctly. “That son of a bitch."

"Explain please."

He scowled. “Vampires stay young forever. Humans would like to also. It's all in the blood."

Sarah's eyes opened wide in understanding. “Oh, my God,” she said. “And Estelle Edwards is a hematologist! She could make a fortune."


"But why hasn't someone done it before now? Hell, why haven't you all set up a corporation and raked it in?"

He stopped at a red light and twisted around to look at her. “How long do you think vampires would remain free if humans figured out a way for our blood to make them live forever?” he asked grimly.

She stared at him as realization struck. “Right,” she said. “Got it.” The light changed and the BMW took off like it was on a raceway. “So is Krystof in trouble?” she asked.

Mr. Inscrutable just shrugged, ignoring her question, and Sarah had a sudden, strong urge to throw something at him. Unfortunately, there was nothing handy, and besides, at the speed he was going, the car would probably crash spectacularly and she'd die. He'd be fine, of course. Stupid vampire.

Staring straight ahead, he whipped the powerful sedan down the empty streets, his anger fairly radiating off of him. She expected him to take her straight home and dump her at the curb, so she was surprised when he turned toward the university.

"The roommate's name is Jennifer Stewart,” he said abruptly and rattled off her phone number. “Give her a try."

"Yes, my lord,” she responded, which earned her a sideways glare. She punched in the number.

"If she's not there, I'll drop you off—"

"Hi, is this Jennifer?” Sarah made a face at Raj. “Jennifer, my name's Sarah Stratton."

Jennifer Stewart could have been Patricia Cowens's twin sister, Raj thought. They had the same heart-shaped face surrounded by long, curly black hair, the same newly ripe body, fairly begging to be plucked.

"I told the police,” she was saying. “Trish never went to one of those parties before. She was really sweet, but she hardly went anywhere. It was a big deal for her that her dad let her move into the dorm, and she didn't want to do anything to make him change his mind. He's pretty protective, like totally obsessed almost. Did you know he bought a house here just so he could visit on weekends? It's out in the country and it's like huge."

"He bought a house because Trish was going to school here?” Sarah asked.

"Yeah. Trish didn't mind, though. She said it was because of her mom being dead. He's actually a really nice guy for being so massively rich."

Raj was getting impatient with the conversation. They'd already gone through a needlessly long set of introductions, during which Jennifer wisely asked to see their identification. Raj could understand that. After all, her roommate was missing. But the ID check had been followed by a lengthy explanation of why they should called her “Jen” and not “Jennifer” and never “Jenny.” Raj would have called her anything she wanted if it meant he'd get some answers before the next millennium.

"I don't think she had a good time at the party, though, Jen was saying. “It's kind of a weird vibe there sometimes, you know?"

Raj didn't know. He didn't want to know. What he wanted to know was whatever Jen had to say that could possibly help him discover if Krystof was trading in vamp blood. Christ, if that was true, the old man really had lost it. He wandered over to the small student desk next to the window, leaning over to peer at a photograph of the two roommates which was stuck to a cork bulletin board. Without even glancing over his shoulder, he ripped the photograph off the board and tucked it into his pocket before turning around to lean against the desk.

"Did you or Trish ever go to anything more serious than these parties?” he asked impatiently. “Anything involving vampires?"

Jen looked at him with those wide, little girl eyes and shook her head. “Oh. You mean like a blood house or something?"

That was exactly what Raj meant and he found it curious that the innocent-eyed Jennifer had homed in so quickly. “Among other things,” he said. “Anything like that?"

"No, sir,” she said, shaking her head vigorously and tossing her shiny curls. “Never."

Raj straightened from his slouch against the desk. “Jennifer,” he said in a low, seductive voice. Her gaze swung to him as quickly as a compass to due north.

He went to one knee in front of her and took her hand, like a courtier before a princess. Jennifer, you know what I am don't you?

Yes. Even her mind voice was young and breathless. It made him smile.

I'm trying to find Trish, Jennifer, and I know you want to help, don't you?