
"I know,” he said smugly.

She slapped his chest again. “Say it."

"You are my heart, my soul, my life."

Her lovely green eyes filled with tears and she coughed to cover her emotion. “Should I talk to Duncan?"

"I will do so. Arrangements will need to be made with Krystof and with Rajmund, who runs the city for him."

His phone rang and he turned to pick it up from the desk. “Duncan,” he said, answering. “A few moments, thank you.” He hung up. “Do you have plans for the evening?"

"I'm sparring with Elke later, and maybe Mirabelle, and then I need to check on some Internet searches I've got going and send off a few reports. Nothing major."

"I will have Duncan coordinate with you then.” She grabbed him when he would have turned away, fisting her fingers in his short hair and pulling his head down for a deep, lingering kiss.

"We could stay in and have wild monkey sex all night instead. It's cold and raining up there."

"He glanced at his watch. “Three hours, my Cyn, and then I will permit you to ply me with sex until morning."

She gave him a wicked look. “You've got a deal."

He took his jacket from the closet and shrugged it over his shoulders, standing still while she smoothed his tie and straightened his lapels. “I do love you, you know,” she said.

"And I you, lubimaya."

Raphael sat at the conference table, watching as Duncan ushered the last of their human guests out of the room. He could feel the surf pounding against the cliff below, vibrating the floor beneath his feet. It was one of the reasons he'd chosen this location to build his home. He loved the ocean, the primal energy, the smell and feel of it, the silver shimmer of the moon on the black water.

"My lord.” Duncan closed the door and crossed the room, taking the chair to Raphael's right. “It went well, I thought."

"It did, Duncan. As much as I dislike dealing with humans, this investment is promising.” He pushed his chair back and crossed his legs at the knee. “Tell me, is Rajmund still requesting a meeting?"

Duncan showed his puzzlement at the change of subject. “He is, my lord."

"Cynthia wants to visit Manhattan."

Duncan frowned. “It's very cold there this time of year."

Raphael met his lieutenant's eyes and smiled. “My reaction, as well. Unfortunately, Cyn is convinced her friend Sarah is in need . . . of a friend, I suppose one would say."

"I see."

"Make the arrangements, please, Duncan. Check with Cyn on the date and use our people for everything, including Sarah's travel. She is Cyn's friend, not mine. I know very little about her."

"I understand, my lord. What of Krystof?"

"I will contact Krystof, but we both know who the true Master of Manhattan is."

"Shall I call Rajmund, then?"

Raphael nodded. “You know what we want, Duncan."

"My lord.” Duncan bowed slightly and left the room.

Raphael stood slowly, stretching to his full height. He hadn't planned a visit to New York so soon, but it might work out for the best. Krystof was declining. That much was obvious. And there was only one vampire among the aging lord's children who had the power to take and hold the territory. It was time for a new order among the Vampire Council of North America, and what better place to start than with an alliance between the two coasts?

Chapter Four

New York, New York—Manhattan