
"If you say so."

"Work on that attitude, girl. I'll call you back."

Sarah pulled the phone away from her ear, feeling abruptly deflated as Cyn disconnected. She could have told Cyn about the dreams. Cyn would have understood, would have tried to help. After all, she was living with a vampire, for God's sake. What was a little telepathic dreaming compared to having your lover suck your blood every night? But Sarah had never told anyone. Not since she'd gotten out of that place.

Maybe Cyn was right. She'd been under a lot of stress with the new job and the move across the country to a city she'd never even visited, except for her job interview. And Buffalo was so different from L.A. or even Berkeley, especially Berkeley.

She stared at the backlit screen of her cell phone until it went black, then slid it into her pocket and went back to her blue books. There were pills one could buy over the counter now, sleeping pills that worked as well or better than some prescription meds. Maybe she'd stop at the drug store on her way home. Bad enough that Cynthia would show up looking like a runway model; there was no need for Sarah to look like five months of bad weather. Even if she was living in Buffalo.

Chapter Three

Malibu, California

Raphael stood in front of the full-length mirror, automatically sliding the red length of a silk tie beneath his collar as he watched Cynthia move absently around the room behind him. His Cyn was normally a direct woman, but there were times . . . Usually when she wanted something she knew he would resist. He smiled, meeting her eyes in the mirror as she came up behind him.

"I'll do that,” she said, and slipped around in front, taking the tie and running it through her elegant fingers.

He surrendered it willingly, always pleased when she ministered to him, which wasn't often. She was fiercely loyal. She would, and had, killed to defend him and his. But she didn't take to what in his day would have been considered the more womanly chores. He almost laughed out loud at the thought.

She caught the edge of his smile and scowled up at him. “What are you thinking, vampire?"

"Only of how much I enjoy having you fix my tie for me."

She squinted doubtfully. “Uh huh.” She finished knotting the silk and reached up to turn his collar down. She had to stand on tiptoes to reach behind his neck and he put his hands on her hips, steadying her and pulling her closer, enjoying the press of her full br**sts against his chest. She raised her face to his, and he indulged himself in a long, slow exploration of her delicious mouth, feeling the soft warmth of her breath against his cheek.

His body responded to her as it always did, his c*ck stirring eagerly, as hungry for the taste of her as if they hadn't just made love less than an hour ago. He slid his hands from her h*ps to the firm curve of her ass, pulling her close and let her feel his arousal. “Trying to ply me with sex, my Cyn?"

"I don't need to ply you,” she murmured against his mouth. “You're already mine."

He smiled. “True enough, lubimaya. Why don't you just ask whatever it is?"

She stiffened in his arms and his smile grew.

"Whatever what is?” she demanded.

He laughed out loud, and she drew back enough to slap his chest, immediately smoothing the spot as if afraid she'd hurt him. “Damn vampire."

"Ah, but I am yours, am I not?"

She wrapped both arms around his neck. “I was thinking,” she admitted slowly. He gave her a smug smile and she scowled up at him. “I want go to New York this weekend."

He frowned. “It's snowing there."

"But it's Manhattan—shopping, clubs, museums. What's a little snow?"

He raised one eyebrow and she clicked her tongue in disgust. “Fine. You remember my friend Sarah?"

He hadn't met that many of her friends, but the name . . . “The one in the bar?” he asked, doubtfully.

"That's the one. Something—or someone—is bothering her. I want to know what. She's in Buffalo,” she said with a grimace of distaste. “As if that's not enough to get someone down, but I don't think that's it. Or not just that, anyway. I'm going to meet her in Manhattan for the weekend."

"Are you?” She glared up at him and he added, “I cannot let you go to Manhattan alone, my Cyn."

Her glare turned to a look of interest. “My father has a place there. I'm sure—"

"I too have a place,” he chided her gently. “With far more suitable accommodations than your father's. But it is not a simple matter for me or my mate to travel to another's territory.” He drew a long breath, thinking about Cyn's request and how it might serve a purpose of his own. “One weekend, lubimaya, no more."

She grinned, standing on tiptoe again to kiss him hard on the mouth. “I love you,” she whispered.