The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,44

yesterday, so I know that they haven’t really grown a noticeable amount overnight.

“Maybe!” Penny says, attempting to twirl in a circle.

“Careful, Pen, you don’t want to hurt Evie.”

“Sorry, Aunt Ry,” she says, jutting her bottom lip out in the fakest pout I’ve ever seen.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” I ask Jillian once she joins us outside. She sits down on one of the lounge chairs and puts her feet up. She’s about six months pregnant already. I can’t wait to meet my nephew in the fall. They found out just a few weeks ago that it was a boy, and Derek is over the moon excited about having a son join the family.

“Eh, feeling about as big as a house, hot all the time and I’ve started feeling like I’ve got to pee at least once an hour. I never remember it starting this early with the girls, but man, this boy is killing me.”

“It will all be worth it come October.”

“I know, I know. I just have to make it through the next few months,” she muses.

“Well, you just sit back and relax and let me wear these girls out for you.”

“You’re the best, Riley.”

“I know.” I smirk. I love helping out, and it’s not like it’s a hardship to spend time with my family.

“Hey, girls!” I turn my attention back to my nieces.

“Yes?” They both give me their attention.

“What do you say we put on our swimsuits and take Evie into the pool?”

“Yes!” they both cheer out.

“We already have our suits on!” Addison tells me as she starts pulling off her shirt and shorts.

“Perfect! Then you’re one step ahead of me,” I tell her. I pick Evie up, holding her up like she’s an airplane. I bring her in close, blowing a raspberry in the crook of her neck, making her full-on belly laugh. It's one of the best sounds ever, so I do it again, getting another squeal of laughter from her and the girls.

I lay her down and start stripping her from the outfit I’d dressed her in this morning. I thought ahead and brought out a swim diaper and one of the cute little suits that were in some of the clothes Jillian brought over now that they know they’re having a boy.

“Are you ready, Aunt Ry?” Penny asks a few minutes later. While I finished getting Evie ready for the pool, Jillian made sure the girls were sun screened up. I’d put my bikini on before we came outside, so all I have to do is take off my cover up.

“I’m ready,” I tell them. I grab the baby floating thing we picked up for Evie to sit in and float around the pool and help Penny and Addison get their floatation devices on. With only one adult and three kids, I feel a little better if they have them on, even though I know they can swim fairly well with all the lessons Jillian has had them in.

I count down and watch as they both jump into the water, splashing it everywhere from their cannonballs. I enter slowly, using the stairs with Evie in my arms. She shrieks with excitement when her toes first hit the water, and starts kicking her legs once they’re fully submerged. She loves being in here, and we’ve started spending time doing just this most afternoons. It helps wear her out, and then she sleeps so well come bedtime. I’ve successfully gotten her on an excellent schedule, sleeping all night for about twelve straight hours. It is glorious.

I spend the next hour or so splashing around with Evie, Penelope, and Addison. The bigger girls love swimming up and playing with Evie, then getting out and jumping back into the pool. I swear they purposely try and make the biggest splash they can possibly make with their little bodies with each new jump.

“Are you ready for Daddy to be home?” I ask Addison once we’re out of the pool and all drying off. We move away from the side of the pool and closer to Jillian, so she helps the girls get dried off and changed out of their suits.

“Yep! He’s going to take me to lunch tomorrow!” she tells me, all excited about her plans with Derek.

“That sounds like fun. What about you, Penny?”

“I don’ts gets to go tomorrow,” she pouts, and I can tell she doesn’t like that.

“I’m sure Daddy will do something special with you, too,” I reassure her.

“Yep, Penny’s date with Daddy is the next Copyright 2016 - 2024