The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,43

to read the dosage instructions each time so that you don’t ever mess them up,” she suggests. I read the label then stick the syringe tip into the stopper the pharmacy put into the bottle to make it easier to dispense the medicine. I pull the plunger part and fill the syringe to the correct dosage, then flip the bottle back over and pull the tip from the bottle.

“Okay, I’ve got it ready,” I tell her as she shifts Evie on her lap.

“Now, pinch her cheeks lightly, put the syringe in her mouth, angling it towards her cheek, and then squirt it all in her mouth.”

I do as she instructs, thankfully getting it all in her mouth on the first try. “That was great,” Riley tells me, patting me on the back once I’ve finished.

“Thanks,” I tell her as I step back. I take the medicine and syringe into the kitchen. The meds have to be kept in the fridge, so I place the bottle in there and wash out the syringe.

“I’ve got everything under control here if you want to head in to practice,” Riley tells me when I rejoin them in the living room.

“I probably should,” I admit. I pull off my ball cap and run my fingers through my hair a few times before pulling it back down. “I’ll be back later,” I tell her as I bend down and place a kiss on the top of Evie’s head. This brings me incredibly close to Riley’s lips, and I find myself wanting to kiss her again. All I can think of at this moment is what it was like to have her lips locked with my own. My eyes flick to hers, and I can see the same desires in her eyes. I push away quickly before I can say fuck it and take her mouth with my own.

I take off to my bedroom, grab my bag, and head out the door like I’m being chased.



I carry Evie outside in the backyard, sitting her down on a blanket I’ve spread out on the grass. Summer has fully arrived in Indianapolis now that we’re well into June. My first few months working for JJ and taking care of this precious little girl flew by. We’ve found a sound system that works for all of us. When his schedule allows, I take one day off per week. I usually end up still staying here at his house, since it’s a pain to pack up what I need for just one night at Derek’s old condo. But it is nice to have a day that I know I’m not required or on call and can just do whatever I want.

Evie sits on the blanket, shaking one of her toys. She seems so big now, at just over six months old. It looks like she’s doing something new every day. She just mastered the unassisted sitting milestone in the past couple of days, and I can’t wait for JJ to see it in person. I sent him a few video clips of her doing it, since he’s on the road for a couple of games. He’s scheduled to get home late tonight, they had an early game today and then he’ll fly home once it ends.

“Evie, baby. Who’s a big girl?” I ask her, grabbing her attention as I lay on the blanket a foot or so away from her. I pick up one of the toys and shake it for her, getting a shriek of excitement as she shakes her hands faster and babbles. The toy she’s got in her hands goes into her mouth. She’s teething yet again, already working on her third tooth. Girlfriend has been a teething mess since she was three months old.

“Auntie RyRy!” I hear my name called, turning to see my nieces and sister-in-law coming out the back door to join Evie and me outside.

“How are my favorite girls?” I ask, pushing myself up to sit with my legs crisscrossed. They both practically jump into my lap, trying to hug me.


“Can we play?”

I don’t really catch who says what to me, as they’re both excited to be here.

“Sure can,” I tell both of them, “and I missed you both so much.” They both pull back from our group hug. I look up at both of them, bouncing my eyes between the two. “Are you sure you both haven’t grown since I last saw you?” I ask in a teasing manner. I just saw them Copyright 2016 - 2024