The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,26

dinner should be ready in about ten,” JJ says once I’ve got Evie settled and the girls being gentle as they make silly faces at her, trying to coax a smile or laugh from her. She gives in quickly to them, her little eyes bouncing between the girls.

“Sounds good. I’m starving, so perfect timing,” I tell him before turning my attention back to the three little girls all around my lap.

“Thank you for your help tonight,” Jillian says as we both plop down on opposite ends of the couch. The girls are both fast asleep for the night.

“Of course,” I assure her. “How are you feeling?” I ask, figuring that running after two active little girls while being pregnant can’t be easy, especially with how busy my nieces are.

“Tired,” she says on a laugh. “This gestating another human is no joke, and I always forget just how tiring it is. I feel like I could take a nap for the next three days, and I’d still be tired.”

“I can only imagine,” I tell her. I don’t have the expertise on what it’s like to grow a tiny human inside of me; I can only imagine from when I’ve experienced friends or family that have been pregnant around me.

“How are things going with JJ and Miss Evie?” she asks. The guys are outside drinking a beer on the patio. Evie is sleeping in the swing in the corner of the living room. I look over at her, peaceful, as the machine sways side to side.

“Good. I’m glad that JJ got the results today. I think that knowing for sure that she’s his lifted a weight from his shoulders. That, and he was so damn cute with her this afternoon.”

“He’s taken to her a lot faster than I expected him to,” Jillian says.

“You should have seen him introducing his parents to her over FaceTime. It was the best thing ever. I almost felt bad for being there for such a personal moment.”

“You have nothing to feel bad about. You’ve helped him out of a big bind. Without someone that can step in and basically be a surrogate mother for Evie, especially with JJ’s work schedule, he’d have to take a leave of absence or retire completely, and we all know that he isn’t ready to do that, he’s still in the prime of his career.”

“He’d also be miserable if he retired now. He’d resent having to do so, well before he needs to.”

“That’s for sure. Everything between the two of you going okay?” she asks, a raised eyebrow accompanying the question.

“Yes…” I say, drawing out the word. “Why wouldn’t it be?” I ask.

“Two consenting adults, a lot of time alone together…” she says, trailing off.

“God, no!” I practically shriek at my sister-in-law. “JJ would never look at me that way,” I tell her, shaking my head side to side. “There’s no way I’m his type, even if I wanted to be.”

“Why do you think that?”

“A few reasons,” I say, blowing out a huge breath. “First off, he’s my brother's best friend. Isn’t there some unwritten rule against that?” I ask.

“Rules are meant to be broken,” Jillian states. “And think of all the books you’ve read that are about brother’s best friends falling for the younger sister. One of the best damn tropes, in my opinion. But I digress, continue with your reasoning why the two of you can’t be a thing.”

“I’m his employee. Absolutely, not the usual one-night stand he’s used to. Kind of hard to be that type when I’m still a virgin,” I admit.

“Oh, honey. Don’t sell yourself so short. None of those reasons that you just gave me should be anything to stand in your way. If something develops between the two of you, I say go for it. Will Derek be pissed? Probably, for a hot second, but I’ll be here to help calm him down and remind him that you’re a grown-ass woman who can make her own decisions. Even if they’re not the ones that he’d make for you, and then I’d remind him that JJ is his best friend, and yes, the man was once a manwhore chasing anything in a skirt, but people can change, and I think that little girl over there has already started that change in him.”

“I still don’t see anything transpiring, so I’m not going to dwell on it. He’s got a lot on his plate right now, and I don’t think a relationship is on his radar.”

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