The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,25

I stand up to my full height. “Did you miss me?” I ask against Penny’s throat.

“Of course, I did, Aunt RyRy,” she says, squeezing me tighter.

“Where’s your sister?” I ask as I set Penny back down on the ground.

“She’s playing,” she states matter-of-factly.

“Should we go find her and play with her?” I suggest.

“Sure!” Penny says, tugging on my hand and pulling me into the house. I look back at JJ and see that he’s finally got Evie’s car seat out of the base and is walking up behind us. I follow my niece into the house, calling out to Jillian as I pass by the kitchen, and into the living room where my other niece, Addison, is twirling around in circles as she dances along to the music coming from the princess show on the TV.

“Auntie Ry!” she calls out excitedly once she spots me, mid twirl. She wobbles when she comes to a screeching stop, the dizziness finally catching up to her from spinning so much.

“Addison,” Jillian scolds from behind me. “I told you not to be spinning so much. You’re going to make yourself sick doing that, and I don’t want to be cleaning up puke.”

“Sorry, Momma,” she answers, jutting her bottom lip out in a pout. I hold my hands out for her to come to me, and that morphs her pout back into a smile.

“How’s my big girl today?” I ask once Addison is in my arms and hugging me tightly.

“Good,” she says, her voice muffled by my hair.

“How about we play a game?” I suggest to both my nieces a moment later. The scolding from Mom forgotten about after a few minutes of cuddles from their favorite aunt.

“Yay!” They both cheer as they start to bounce up and down in front of me.

“What should we play?” I ask.

“Barbies!” Addison suggests while Penny states, “Babies!” at the same time.

I look back and forth between the two of them, trying to determine how best to diffuse the situation since they want separate things. “How about this…” I tell them, tapping my index finger against my lips as I stall, thinking my plan over again. “How about we play babies until it’s time to wash up for dinner, and then after dinner, we can play with Barbies until it’s time to clean up for bed.”

They both seem to think my suggestion is an excellent idea as they both turn and start picking up the toys that are scattered around the living room before pulling out the baby doll things. Before I know it, I’ve got many baby dolls in all states of dress piled on my lap. One is supposedly sleeping, another one being fed a bottle, and yet another in need of a diaper change.

“Looks busy in here,” JJ’s deep voice breaks into the chatter from the girls.

“Just get used to it,” I say as I look up at him. He’s got Evie in his arms facing out as she takes in her surroundings. She’s got her fist in her mouth as she sucks and chews on it, drool starting to run down her arms and chin. She’s teething if those sighs indicate anything. “Before you know it, she’ll be playing with baby dolls; dressing, and undressing them. Wanting to do their hair and makeup,” I tell him and practically watch as the color drains from his face.

“Maybe she’ll be a tomboy and want to play with baseballs and trucks,” he tosses out.

“Maybe, but don’t be surprised if your house is puking pink and sparkles within the year,” I tease him slightly. “You’re going to have to get used to sharing your bachelor pad with a girl now.”

The sound that rumbles from his chest startles Evie, and she gives a little yell of her own. “It’s okay, Evie,” I call out to her, “Daddy didn’t mean to upset you.” Her eyes find mine from the few feet that separate us, and she gives me a gummy smile as her arms and legs start to kick.

“Want me to take her?” I offer, and hold my arms out for her.

“Sure,” he agrees and takes a few steps closer before handing her over. I move some of the baby dolls from my lap, making room for Evie. I prop her up between my legs, allowing her head and neck to rest against my thigh. The girls immediately swarm around me, waiting to get in close to her. “Careful,” I remind both of them as I get Evie situated.

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