Cruz (Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC #5) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,47

the reassurance she’d get.

Nothing about this life was safe.

As he strode out, Cruz murmured, “I’ll speak to you later about the appointment.”

“Sure.” I bit my lip, watched as he glanced at my mouth, then he twisted around and without a backward glance, called out, “See you later, Giulia.”

When he was gone, she turned to me, excitement entwining with interest. “You’re banging him.”

“What makes you say that?” I hedged.

“I have eyes, don’t I?”

“I dunno. I thought they were rolling around in your head while my brother tongue-fucked you in my store.”

She sniffed. “If you think I’m about to apologize for that when your brother’s fucking my mouth—”

I raised a hand. “Spare me the details.”

“The devil’s in the details,” she joked, making me stick out my tongue at her. Her teasing simmered down though as she wandered over to the door and closed it firmly as the wind swept in, blowing it open a little. “Seriously, Indy, you are, aren’t you?”

“I don’t want Nyx to know.”

“Yeah, because I’d tell him.” She rolled her eyes.

“Thought soul mates didn’t have secrets from one another,” I jibed.

“A girl has gotta have secrets from her man,” she retorted. “Especially when it’s with her posse.”

My lips twitched. “Posse?”

She shrugged. “Yeah. My very own Sinners’ posse. It’s growing.”

I huffed out a laugh because she wasn’t wrong. “I guess it is.”

“From the way you were looking at him, I’d say another one’s bitten the dust.”

As the straight pipes rattled down the street, I peered out the window and watched as my brother and lover headed off to the city for what ungodly business I couldn’t imagine.

When they roared by, I just murmured, “More like I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.”


Heading into the city always put me in a killer mood, and today’s visit was going to be shittier than usual. Not only was traffic a bitch, but my intent was to meet with my mom, and as luck would have it, Nyx was in a crappy mood as well. He had to liaise with a street gang who’d done us a solid, all while waiting on me to get the real goods on what my mom wanted.

Only the council was aware of any of that though. His going today was my protection for when the fallout eventually hit.

If I’d learned anything in my life, it was that the shit always hit the fan—sometimes it just took longer than others.

So, when the whole club knew about my relatives, Nyx coming today, even if he wasn’t going to meet my mom, would allay suspicions about me in the long run.

I’d been born and raised in NYC, but it had never felt like home. Not like West Orange did. Crazy how it was only an hour away with terrible traffic, but the dynamic was different.

Riding to it always put me in a mood because of the congestion, but mostly, I just hated how fucking busy it was. I knew Nyx felt the exact same way because when Rex had given him this job yesterday, he’d been bitching about having spent too much time in Manhattan what with Stone having been hospitalized as long as she had, and a lot of the council heading there to be with her.

We’d all known Stone was tight with the council, but I wasn’t sure any of us had registered exactly how much. Living was learning though.

Heading under the city through the Lincoln Tunnel always made me feel claustrophobic, so it was with relief that I headed away from the island itself and rode to one of the ‘burbs where Mom lived.

It was my childhood home, but there was nothing warm and cozy about the memories I had of that place.

My parents arguing, my mom ramming my dad’s manhood into him with every bitter word. The only time we’d ever been happy was when she was on the job and we were alone. Mom should never have married and had a kid, although my dad used to tell me that before the post-partum depression had taken a firm hold on her, she’d been relatively normal.

Sadly for me, that had taken over her when I was three and we’d lost my baby brother, so the mom I’d known was the nutcase who was obsessed with her father’s death.

Riding through the busy streets, streets that had once been my turf, I stopped around the corner from her place, picked up my cell and called Rex. “You ready for this, Prez?”

“Go for it.”

Years ago, when I’d joined the Copyright 2016 - 2024