Cruz (Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC #5) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,46

had been clear to anyone with eyes, even if the reason why was beyond any of us. I knew Steel had to have justified it to Stone, but she’d never shared the truth with me, even if she’d overcome whatever bullshit he’d used to keep them apart.

I’d seen him in the hospital, watched him watch over her night after night, week after week.

He hadn’t been good enough for her. Until he’d proven himself. And sure, he’d fuck up. Bikers always did. But I figured they’d make it work. Whatever hit them in the future.

I’d seen that yesterday. When they’d come walking in for me to brand Stone, and to work on the brand I hadn’t even known he had, one that declared to the world that Stone was his—for far longer than any of us had recognized.

And then, now, when I looked at Giulia and Nyx, as they tongue fucked in front of me again, as the brother who was more messed up in the head than I could ever be, as I registered Giulia’s words… did I have that in my future?

Could I have that in my future?

In all honesty, I wasn’t sure.

And I was even less sure if I did want it, that it’d be with Cruz.

The club’s Grim Reaper.

The only man whose hands I’d been able to bear on my body.

Whose dick slid into me with no pain.

Who made me wet when we slept together.

Who knew my triggers, knew what I needed to get off, knew just what I was and why I was…


That commanding tone had me blinking at him, and I knew my pupils had to be blown out because his nostrils flared. Fuck, it was like he could scent my arousal or something.

Could he?

There was something preternatural about him, that was for damn sure. Or maybe I was just building into the frickin’ hype about why this man had earned those bones on his hands.

I bit my lip. “I’ll book you in this week.”

“Where’s David the Dick?” Nyx asked, peering around my shop like David was hiding under the desk.

“I gave him the morning off. He had some problem with his car,” I told him, all while my eyes remained fixed on Cruz’s.

“Fucking freak. I don’t like how he looks at you,” he carried on grumbling, and his words had Cruz’s brows furrowing.

I shook my head though and grumbled right back, “He’s harmless.”

“That’s like saying a rattlesnake won’t bite.”

That had me wrenching my gaze from Cruz’s. “That makes no sense. Since when does David look like a snake?”

“All the time?” Nyx groused.

Scowling at him, I retorted, “When are you going to see Quin?”

My brother’s mouth tightened, but he surprised me by telling me, “Next week.”

Only the fact that Nyx didn’t have a record was how he could get inside, because normally, someone with gang affiliations would never be allowed visitors from that same gang. So how his visit was possible was something I’d never know, even as I’d never allowed that excuse to cut him any slack. The club had deep pockets so I’d known they could either bribe someone to get Nyx into Rikers for a visit, or that they’d bribed enough folk along the way to keep my brother’s hands as clean as possible. Probably most of the councilors too. Especially as they were all close to Rex, and Rex and his father had led the club for years.

That was why it was bittersweet. The council was full of murderers but Caleb, my baby bro, who’d been sick until his transplant, was doing hard fucking time now.

I couldn’t say there was no justice in this world, because I didn’t want Nyx or any of my club family to be inside, but it just sucked.

Big time.

“You’re going next week?”

I cast a quick glance at Giulia who looked a mixture of smug and surprised which told me that she’d been working her wiles on him like she promised but hadn’t expected it to happen as fast as that.

“Yeah, I just said that, didn’t I?” He heaved an impatient sigh, glowering at me a second before he rumbled, “Okay, we’d better fuck off to the city. You need a ride home, sweetheart?” he asked Giulia.

“Nah, I’m gonna help Indy.”

“How you getting home?”

“I’ll wait on you if you want?”

His eyes gleamed. “Course I want.” He squeezed her ass even as he let her down, pecked her on the lips before he rumbled, “Later.”

Her smile was dirty but she just told him, “Stay safe.”

His smile was all Copyright 2016 - 2024