Crush - Kelsie Rae Page 0,64

giving me time to adjust. But I don’t need long before I slowly grind against him and swivel my hips.

He continues chanting my name. Over and over again.

Eyes closing, I let myself get lost. In his touch. His words. His breath. All of it. Until I find myself on the precipice of an orgasm that I have no doubt will consume me the same way he has.

“I’m…,” I moan.

Shit. I’m close.

His pace quickens, pushing me over the edge before following right behind me.

“I love you, Marcy Holden,” he groans with his forehead pressed between my breasts. As he tries to catch his breath, his grip tightens around my back like he’s afraid I might disappear.

But I’m not going anywhere. Nothing could take me away from him.

He holds me tighter as his breath slowly starts to even out, but he doesn’t move a muscle.

Just…holds me.

A tear slips down my cheek, and I wipe it away before dropping my chin to the top of his head that’s still pressed against my heart.

He squeezes me a little tighter before I whisper, “I love you too, Ben.”



It’s funny what letting go of your insecurities does to a person. It’s freeing. And liberating. I feel like I can finally breathe. Like I can enjoy my relationship with Ben instead of questioning every minute detail until a migraine starts to blossom at the base of my skull.

I’m happy.

Really happy.

Because I’m in love.

And the best part? He loves me too.

“Are you sure Dylan said it was okay for me to tag along?” Ben inquires with his hands in his front pockets as he waits for me to ring Grady and Dylan’s doorbell.

“Yup. They offered to drop her off, but I was kind of missing my Petunia.”


With a grin, I ring the doorbell. “You’ll see.”

Sadie is propped on Grady’s hip as he answers the door looking like his usual handsome self. “Hey, guys. Come on in. Thanks for helping us out tonight.”

“Don’t mention it. I watch my nieces and nephew all the time,” Ben returns. “Are you okay that I tagged along, though?”

Grady waves him off. “I’ve heard you two were pretty inseparable. I would’ve been more shocked if you didn’t come.”

“Grady!” Dylan yells from a room down the hall. “Will you come help me zip this up?”

Turning back to us, Grady hands Sadie to Ben. “I’ll be right back.” Then he strides to where Dylan’s voice originated and calls back, “I can help you take it off,” before a door closes and muffles her response.

“You sure we weren’t invited to play wingmen and distract their kid so they could get laid?” Ben quips in a conspiratorial whisper.

“I mean, would you blame them if they did?” I point out.

“Probably not.” Juggling Sadie in his arms, his voice softens. “Hey, baby girl. Remember me? This ugly mug is the first thing you saw when you were born. Although birth isn’t exactly a walk in the park, so I understand if you blocked out the whole thing.” I snort as he continues, “How’ve you been handling the outside world? Has your daddy shown you mandarin oranges yet?”

Sadie is way too young to talk, but she coos right back at him with a giant grin that’s sporting two baby teeth on the bottom and two on top.

“Don’t worry. I got your back, baby girl.” Dropping a kiss to her chubby cheek, he adds with a whisper, “I’ll show ya the ropes as soon as your parents leave.”

My ovaries are practically bursting as I watch their exchange before footsteps echo down the hall, and Dylan and Grady appear.

“Sorry, this dang zipper is stubborn,” Dylan explains, pointing to her gorgeous black dress.

“Dude, you look hot!” I fan myself.

Grinning shamelessly, Grady interjects, “Don’t worry, she’s married to a fireman. I’m more than happy to keep an eye on her, but I might have to make her combust later tonight.”

Dylan rolls her eyes, though I can see the love shining through them as she grabs his hand.

“Thank you, Marcy,” she emphasizes my name while ignoring Grady’s amusement beside her. “I’ve been working out like crazy to get the extra baby weight off, but it’s been an uphill battle––”

“Dyl,” Grady admonishes. “If you don’t stop trying to get rid of those curves, I might have to book another boudoir session with Marcy for you so that you can see what I see.”

“Do you see who I have to deal with every day?” Her voice is teasing as Grady slips his arm behind her back and pulls Copyright 2016 - 2024