Crush - Kelsie Rae Page 0,12

due to privacy. But if you play your cards right, you might be able to convince her to send you a picture for your time. She’s a lot sleep deprived and a little delirious right now, so your chances are looking pretty good at the moment. So, tell me about this girl you haven’t been able to stop thinking about. Should I be jealous?

DRBen918: My initial instinct was to say yes, but let’s be honest. Probably not. The girl I haven’t been able to stop thinking about screams commitment, and that’s not something I’m comfortable with right now. Scratch that. I’m not sure I’d ever be comfortable with committing to a relationship. My wife died a couple years ago. And even though she’s gone, I know I won’t ever be able to replace her, and I don’t want to hurt the other girl or lead her into believing I can give her something that I can’t.

Wow. Honesty. I swallow down my insecurities and start to reply when another message pops up.

DRBen918: I’m hoping that you and I might be a better fit since I found you through the B&B app. That you’ll be okay with a good time, but that’s it since that’s all I’m willing to offer.

Marcy123Marcy: Don’t assume, Dr. Ben. You might think she looks like a commitment kind of girl, but you’d be surprised. You’re not the only one that’s been burned in the past. As for me, a good time is all I’m looking for, so it seems you’ve met your match.

DRBen918: Seems I have. Tell me, Marcy123Marcy, what’s a guy gotta do to get a picture? You mentioned me playing my cards right. Any suggestions on how I might do that?

Marcy123Marcy: Why don’t you start by telling me what you’re wearing. ;)

DRBen918: Is it too cliché to say I’m naked in bed?

I laugh––hard––covering my face with the comforter for a split second before throwing it off just as quickly to type my response. I’m so going to hell.

Marcy123Marcy: Prove it.

It doesn’t take long for an image to appear through the app. The picture is a little dark and pixelated, but as I let my eyes adjust, an image of a very naked Ben with a dark bed sheet covering up the good stuff appears.

Is it hot in here?

Staring at the image, my mouth waters as I debate whether I should download the image and open up photoshop to see if I can manipulate the light––or lack thereof––to give me a better glimpse of the Adonis in the picture, or if that would be considered too stalkerish.

My phone vibrates with another message.

DRBen918: You there?

Marcy123Marcy: Yup.

DRBen918: And? You can’t go quiet when a guy sends you a picture like that! Don’t you know proper sexting etiquette?

Laughing, I shake my head and type my reply.

Marcy123Marcy: Proper sexting etiquette? I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with it. I must’ve missed that class in school.

DRBen918: No worries. I took it in medical school, so it makes sense you weren’t privy to it.

Marcy123Marcy: Ah, yup. Definitely makes sense. So, tell me, Dr. Ben. How would proper sexting etiquette recommend I respond to your picture?

DRBen918: Well…you might wanna mention how studly I look. You know…to stroke my ego and such.

Marcy123Marcy: Call it a hunch, but I think your ego is juuust fine.

DRBen918: You could always help me stroke something else….

Marcy123Marcy: Oh, really?

DRBen918: Yeah, but he’s too afraid to say hello right now. He’s a little shy since you took so long to respond in the first place. You might need to coax him with a picture or two. You know…even the playing field.

Marcy123Marcy: To be fair, you’ve already seen the goods….

DRBen918: I’m sorry, but the “goods” were only revealed to the professional Dr. Bennett. Good ol’ Dr. Ben wasn’t on the premises at the time of the incident you’re referring to.

Marcy123Marcy: Is that right? Cuz I call bullshit.

DRBen918: I’m nothing, if not honest. And because of that honesty, I’ll tell you the truth. I’ve never been so tempted in my entire life to break a few codes of ethics in my office than when you were spread out on my exam table. You’re an enigma, Marcy. A gorgeous one. I’d love to see what you look like right now, but if I have to use my imagination, I can work with that too. It’s been getting plenty of exercise since you walked into my office.

Despite my awkwardness, I have sexted a time or two and may have even doctored up a few images Copyright 2016 - 2024