Crush - Kelsie Rae Page 0,11

at my doctor in a swimsuit.

Because ya know, that’s healthy.

And they say men objectify women. I snort. I’m totally objectifying Ben. I’m objectifying him hard. But it’s not just his body I’m attracted to. And I think that’s the problem. He’s smart. Wealthy. Funny.


I drop my arm back to the mattress and squeeze my eyes shut as a little voice inside my head tells me this is a terrible idea for the billionth time today.

With a huff, I unlock my phone again and open the B&B app before going to the saved profiles section.

My brows furrow when a notification pops up.

DRBen918 would like to contact you.

Convinced I read the message wrong, my eyes scan it ten more times.

Ben? As in…Dr. Bennett? The Dr. Bennett? I gulp before opening the message, my heart pounding against my ribcage.

DRBen918: I really hope this is the right Marcy123Marcy.

I grin before typing a reply.

Marcy123Marcy: And if it isn’t?

His response is almost instant.

DRBen918: Then that would be awfully embarrassing. Your pictures are blocked, so I wasn’t able to confirm my guess without possibly looking like an idiot so….

Marcy123Marcy: I have my profile set to private.

DRBen918: Why?

Marcy123Marcy: Maybe I want a guy to want me for more than my bod.

DRBen918: Good point. But you might be looking in the wrong place if you’re searching for a real connection on the B&B app….

Marcy123Marcy: Says the guy with an image of him in a swimsuit, and a giant “not looking for anything serious” disclaimer in his profile. OF COURSE, booty calls are all you’re gonna find on here.

DRBen918: So you checked out my profile, eh? Good to know. And you make a good point. Again. I knew you had brains to go with that pretty face.

Marcy123Marcy: Careful, Ben. You’re makin’ me blush over here.

DrBen918: I’ve seen that blush before. It makes your freckles pop.

Sure enough, my face is blazing at his compliment, but I try to shrug it off.

Marcy123Marcy: Who are you, and what have you done with the professional doctor I’m used to seeing at my monthly appointments?

DrBen918: Unfortunately, he’s clocked out for the evening. But if you’d prefer to only deal with him, I can stop messaging you, and we can pretend I didn’t make a fool out of myself tonight.

The hint of insecurity in his message leaves me swooning…and curious enough to message back.

Marcy123Marcy: Nah. I think I can handle the non-doctor Ben. For now.

DRBen918: For now. I like the loophole. Do you always leave yourself an exit strategy? And what are you doing awake at 2 in the morning?

Marcy123Marcy: Yes, I always leave myself an exit strategy. I’m no dummy. And I thought we already discussed that I’m not much of a sleeper.

DRBen918: Not gonna lie. I kinda thought you were just being agreeable.

Marcy123Marcy: Nope. Sleep and I aren’t great friends. Apparently, you weren’t kidding either. Any babies tonight to distract you from your insomnia?

DRBen918: Unfortunately, no. But your messages seem to be doing the trick just fine.

Marcy123Marcy: Glad I can be of service. Anything else I can offer you?

His response isn’t instant this time. I can see the little bees fluttering across my screen, notifying me that he’s in the process of messaging me back. But they keep disappearing, only to pop back up when I’m about to throw in the towel and call it a night.

Geez. I didn’t know my message would’ve required that much overthinking.

And now I’m the one overthinking it. Did I say the wrong thing? Did I make an assumption that was completely off base? Am I going to ever be able to show my face to him again?

Gah! Kill me now. Just…kill me.

Finally, my phone vibrates with a notification, and I’m a little terrified to read what it says. Squeezing my eyes shut, I peek one lid open and brace myself for embarrassment as I scan the message.

DRBen918: I guess that depends on if I’m talking to my patient or a mysterious girl on a dating app.

Oh. I quirk my brow. That’s not too bad. Maybe we are on the same page. Gnawing on my lower lip, I reply.

Marcy123Marcy: And who exactly were you hoping to talk to tonight when you messaged me?

DRBen918: The girl I haven’t been able to stop thinking about….

Marcy123Marcy: That’s not an answer.

DRBen918: Neither was yours.

Laughing, I roll onto my side and scan the messages another dozen times before thinking of something to reply.

Marcy123Marcy: Touché. I guess…when you message Marcy123Marcy, you’re talking to a mysterious girl on a dating app whose pictures are blurred out Copyright 2016 - 2024