A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,8

watch him, enjoying the peaceful quiet. He finishes the eggs and pours over the sauce, placing the dish in front of me.

I lick my lips, practically drooling at how good it looks. Taking a bite, I groan, because holy fates this might be the best damn thing I’ve ever tasted.

“Wow,” I say, looking up to Leviathan to thank him, where I find him watching me avidly, his hands clenched into fists. “You should eat, this is divine.”

I tuck back into my food, trying not to pay attention to him when I can feel his eyes on me, even as he sits down opposite me and begins to dig in. I don’t say a word while I eat, and when I’m done, I’m almost sad that it’s gone.

“Honestly, Leviathan. That was beautiful,” I tell him with a grin.

“Thank you,” he says back softly, so soft I barely hear it. He clears his throat and stands, waving for my plate. I start to object but the look he gives me brokers no arguments, so I hand him the plate. It’s so strange to watch an Angel do such normal tasks like cook and load a dishwasher.

“What’s the plan for today?” I ask, since I have the weekend essentially free, and I don’t remember when I’ve had a free weekend in the last few years. If I wasn’t with Jack, or dancing, I was working, and then training and patrolling. I feel like a loose end, spinning out in the wind.

“No plans,” he tells me as he shuts the dishwasher. “You’re free to do what you like. You’ve got the run of the manor, I just ask you don’t leave the premises. In here, it’s safe. Out there, there is only so much I can do, at least while the sun is up. Most monsters don’t come out to play during the day, and since my wings are my main mode of transport, well, they’re not exactly inconspicuous.” He winks at me and my heart about stops dead in my chest.

“Yeah, they’re beautiful though,” I tell him, and I swear he blushes. I smile as he tries to shut it down.

“Well, thanks. I guess.” He clears his throat again and looks down at me as he rests his hip against the counter next to me.

Holy freaking abs.

I try hard not to stare again, especially with the smirk that appears on his face. I drag my eyes up from the V that dips into his sweats, up the abs and ripped chest, covered by his crossed arms, with biceps that I’m not sure I’d be able to wrap my hands around, and up to his stormy blue eyes, which practically sparkle with laughter.

“You done, Angel?”

“Nope,” I say with a pop. He’s pretty, and he knows it. “If you didn’t want me to look, you’d have put some clothes on.”

He moves in closer to me, so close it feels like I can’t breathe. He leans down so his face is almost touching mine. “Maybe I want you to do more than look.”

The words wrap around me and I gasp, his eyes challenging me to say something, do anything.

“Maybe actions speak louder than words,” I practically whisper, before he pulls back from me. I suck in a lungful of air, able to breath properly with more space between us.

“Oh Angel, if only you knew,” he says, shaking his head, as he walks away from me and goes out of the glass doors in the kitchen that lead outside. I sit in my chair, waiting for sense to return to me, but guilt trickles in instead. My guys are probably worried sick, and I’ve barely thought about them since I woke up.

I’m a terrible human.


Whatever. The point still stands. I sigh and get up, wondering what to do with my day, when I remember the library. I head towards my room, then hook a left and I see the dark, heavy, beautifully carved double doors at the end of the hall. I pay close attention to the carvings on the door, his mark, like the one on my neck, yet different. I’m practically giddy as I push them open, and oh holy books. I take a step inside and freeze.

This place is straight up, paradise.

The wood floors gleam, and the walls are covered, and I mean covered, with books. A huge staircase in the middle of the behemoth room, goes up four floors, and all I can see are more books. This is my new favorite place

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