A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,28

grin is matched by Everly’s while Levi doesn’t even notice as he says hello and starts to eat.

“How on earth do you concentrate on shit with all of that here?” she hisses, and I laugh so hard I almost cry.

“Oh god, Fal I missed you.”

Levi just chuckles as he smiles at her. “I know what you mean, I’m hot right.”

“Humble too.” I roll my eyes before taking a bite and groaning. “Everly, this is amazing, as always. I’m officially never leaving.”

“If this is the company, then I don’t think I’ll be leaving either,” Fallon whispers and I laugh again.

“Don’t, he doesn’t need his ego stroked any more than it already is. When the others get here tomorrow, you’ll want to escape, trust me.”

“Girl, all that testosterone in one room? Hand me a hose, because I am on fire.” Levi bursts out laughing, and I can tell he likes her. I knew he would, but it makes me happy that at least some parts of my world can merge easily, happily, and a weight I didn’t realize I was carrying lifts from my shoulders.

“I’m heading out for a bit after we eat. Are you staying the night Fallon?” Levi asks as politely as I’ve ever heard him.

“Probably, it’ll save Mom coming all the way back out here to get me. If that’s okay with you guys?”

“Oh, it’s no bother, this house has been empty for far too long,” Everly says before anyone else can say a word. “It’s nice to have it so full of life again.”

“Thank you,” Fallon says before tucking into her food, and groans just as I knew she would. “What is this witchcraft?”

Chapter Seven

Last night with Fallon was a blast, and more silly fun than I’ve had in a long time. We did the typical girl’s night in stuff. Made popcorn, put on a movie, put on hideous face masks, all the cliché shit, but it was so much fun, and exactly what I needed.

She made me promise to let her come back before she left this morning, and I’ve been in the gym since. I realized after almost getting winded trying to climb the stairs in the library, that I’ve barely worked out in weeks, other than my morning runs, which really have turned more into morning jogs or walks. And sex doesn’t count.

So, I’ve spent the last four hours in here, running on the treadmill, doing HIIT training, attacking the punching bag, doing weights, and just trying to ease myself in before I ask the guys if they’ll train with me. While my memories are coming back, they’ve slowed right down. I don’t know if that’s because after last time, I subconsciously don’t want them to keep coming, or if because they’re just coming to their natural end. What I do know, is that my skills are not up to par with where I was in my past lives, so who better to train me, than the King of the Dracul, the Alpha of Alphas, and the Archangel of War himself? I daresay Creek wouldn’t mind sparring with them too. Hell, it could be good for everyone, break down some of their issues if they just fought it out.

I mull the idea over as I slow the treadmill to do my cool down, knowing that they should be back soon. I got a call from each of them yesterday before Fallon arrived to tell me they’d be back tonight. I don’t know if they coordinated it or what, but I’m definitely not going to complain about it.

The anticipation builds as I finish my twenty minutes on the treadmill, and climb off, my legs practically jelly. That will teach me for slacking for so long. Admittedly, the first two weeks, not totally my fault, and since then, I hadn’t realized it until today, but I’ve almost been reluctant to get back to it. Just like I haven’t quite dealt with the fact my family were going to stand by while I was executed.

I sit on the floor as the emotions wave over me. So intense I lay back and close my eyes to try and keep everything in. My chest feels heavy, like I can’t breathe, as the memories crash down like a tidal wave. Kneeling on the ground in front of the Elders. My grandfather saying nothing to stop the sentence. The look on my father and Bauer’s face, no remorse or sadness when it was announced, as if they knew, and they didn’t care.


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