A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,122

the journals. There were four before, but I guess there’s still time.

Annabeth appears back in front of us, and I hear two male voices approaching from the back of the house too. I look to Levi who shrugs, I guess we’ll be winging it. She ushers the children upstairs, and waits until three doors close loudly before talking again. “Please, come sit, would you guys like some tea?”

“That would be amazing, thank you.” We follow her to the kitchen where two men are taking off their muddy boots.

“Teddy, this is Remy and Levi. They said they were wanting to talk to us.” The man with dirty blonde hair steps forward with a kind smile and shakes Levi’s hand then mine.

“Nice to meet you both. This is my brother, Eddie. How can we help y’all?” I look to Levi, I didn’t know this guy had a brother. He raises his eyebrows but takes the seat offered to him by Teddy.

“We recently came across some information about your family that we wanted to discuss with you. You guys might want to take a seat.” Annabeth sits opposite us, with Teddy sitting next to her, taking her hand.

“This sounds serious.” Eddie says, and takes a seat on the other side of Annabeth in front of us, taking her other hand. I don’t react, because who am I to know what their dynamic is, but brothers? Interesting.

“What we’re going to tell you is going to sound completely unbelievable, and you’ll probably think we’re crazy, so…” Levi pauses and stands, I think I know what he’s going to do, and holy shitballs.

Yep, he stands, and his wings unfurl behind him.

“Sweet baby Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!” Annabeth gasps, clutching the brothers’ hands staring wide eyed at Levi as he turns to show the wings aren’t fake, and then tucks them back away without a trace.

“So, as you can see. I’m an Angel. Which is just the tip of the iceberg of the story.” I listen as Levi explains everything to them, only jumping in when needed, but he holds their attention steadfastly.

When he draws to a close, I can still see the disbelief on their face, but considering everything, I’d find it all pretty hard to believe to. Teddy looks angry more than anything, and I can’t blame him.

“This is… and we can get these memories back? We can be part of this thing, but what about the ones who took this from us? Will they be punished?”

“We’re working on that,” I say softly. “It’s part of the reason we’re here. We need help, proof, well, more proof, to convince the other Hunters of what was done. Without help from those families who were wronged in the worst way, we might not sway them.”

“Oh, we’re in.” Eddies eyes are stormy, like he might lose his shit any second.

“But what about the children?” Annabeth asks.

“They are a part of this, but they cannot know anything, not yet. Once your memories are restored, you will understand.” I smile at her, hoping to reassure her as much as I can.

“How do we do it?” I look to Teddy, who seems to be keeping his anger in check better than his brother.

“Usually, there would be an awakening ritual, completed by the Elders. But we have our very own Angel.” I wink at him, and Annabeth laughs softly.

“I can restore your memories with relative ease if this is something you definitely want for yourselves, for your children.”

“This is a lot to process, can we take a few days?” Teddy looks to his wife and his brother before looking back to us. He is definitely the calmer one of the three. I can almost see how their dynamic might work.

“Of course, this is my number.” I slide over a piece of paper to them. “Please let us know either way, we don’t have much time, but I know this can’t be an easy thing to hear, let alone an easy decision to make.”

“I want my memories back,” Eddie says. “Today. I’m happy to join you, even if the others decide not to.” He looks to the others. “I won’t hold it against either of you if you don’t, but it’s no secret I’ve always felt like some part of me was missing. This might be it, and I won’t give up the chance to feel whole.” He looks back to us, and Levi nods.

“We should probably head outside. Do you have a big space that’s sheltered?”

“We’ve got the barn,” Eddie says, and

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