A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,44

or heard from in forever,” he says as his gaze bounces between Levi and I. “What on earth does she have to do with anything? For all we know, she could be dead.” He takes a bite of the food in front of him, but he doesn’t seem all that interested in it.

“That’s what we’re trying to find out. Archer’s journals mention something briefly that could point to her, and Michael seems pretty convinced, even though he hasn’t been able to track her,” I tell him pointedly.

“This seems like a pretty out there lead, you sure this is what you want me to focus on?” he says, looking straight to Levi. I guess it makes sense, Levi is his general, but it still rankles me that he dismisses me so easily, when it’s me everyone’s trying to kill. Fuck it, a millennia of routine is going to be a hard habit to break, so I’m not going to take it personally. At least I’m going to try and not take it personally.

Levi goes through everything he and Michael discussed with me about Amelia when we were in Avalon, filling the guys in as well as Nevin, while I add anything he misses, albeit it isn’t much.

“You really think she could be behind all of this?” Creek asks.

“It’s possible, she really did hate me once upon a time,” I tell him with a shrug.

“She is also very good at being single-minded. It is very possible for her to hold onto something this long, though I’m not sure why she would’ve waited this long to strike,” Levi adds.

“If, and I mean if it’s her, she could have Clara with her. She’s not been seen since then either. Plus she’s a seer. It could explain the why now, if it’s her at all.”

“I forgot about Clara!” She was a quiet, tiny little thing. Wouldn’t say boo to a goose. A real wallflower type. She was nice enough when I spoke to her, but she was rarely around me in Avalon. I guess being around someone that can potentially see into your mind, when you’re a seer, could be a little daunting.

“You really think they’d be together after all this time?” Levi asks Nevin.

“It’s possible, I can look into it. Was there anything else?” Nevin asks, standing, looking around at each of us at the table. I press my lips together to stop something falling out of my mouth. He’s being rude, even for him. The only reason I’m holding my tongue is because he seems stressed enough, but if he doesn’t rein in his big dick attitude, I’ll reel it the fuck in for him.

“No, and thank you for coming so quickly,” Levi says with a tight smile. Apparently, he noticed it too.

“I’ll let you know if I find anything.” He turns and leaves as abruptly as he appeared, while I just shake my head.

“Wonder who pissed in his cornflakes,” Creek says, shaking his head as he takes a sip of his whiskey.

“What a waste,” I sigh, taking his plate and clearing it. I might not have ever struggled to find food, but the waste of it frustrates me greatly.

“He did seem strangely high strung. Maybe it has to do with the unrest Michael hinted about in Avalon.” Levi offers.

“Maybe,” I mutter, as I sit back down at the table.

“Now that’s sorted, we need to work out what our next moves are. There are still too many unknowns on our chess board. While Nevin is hunting down the potential Queen, we need to find the remaining pawns,” Kain says, and Roman rolls his eyes.

“We’ve got two players left at least that we know of that pose the biggest threats,” Roman adds, and Levi nods.

“The witch and her coven, and the unknown Lycan pack,” Creek says, leaning back in his chair.

“Has there been any news from the witches?” Kain asks, but no one answers.

“I’ll check in with Fallon and Marie. I’m not sure what’s going on with them, but I’ll ask,” I say, trying not to sound as tense as I feel. All of this almost feels like too much. I thought we were so close to this being over when we captured Archer. But of course, it’s not. I just hope that we can work something out soon.

“Any progress with the Lycans?” Levi asks Roman who is practically grinding his teeth in frustration.

“Theron still says he has no idea. Whoever it is, has hidden themselves well enough, or at least covered their tracks.

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