A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,43

which I’m fully aware is my own fault.

“We should have fed you before we even started speaking,” Creek laughs.

“I can whip something up,” Levi says, heading over to the fridge.

“That angel boy better not be in my fridge!” Nonnie’s voice echoes into the room, reaching us less than a minute before she appears. Levi steps back from the fridge with his hands up in the air in surrender.

“Wouldn’t dream of making food in my own kitchen.” I can tell that he tries not to smile as he says the words and heads back towards us, dodging Nonnie as she shakes her fist at him. All the while I’m trying not to laugh at it all.

“What would you like to eat, Remy girl?” she asks me with a soft smile on her face. Kain scoffs quietly, because she’s not that nice to any of them, which makes me laugh all on its own.

“I don’t mind, Nonnie. Whatever you fancy whipping up is good with me.”

“Such a precious girl. You sit tight and Nonnie will get you sorted.” She claps her hands and heads to the pantry while Levi sits back down with the rest of us.

“How do you do that?” he asks, laughing quietly.

“I have no idea what you mean.” I flutter my lashes as him, taking the piss.

“Our girl captures the hearts of everyone she meets,” Creek says cheesily, making everyone else laugh, and I shake my head.

“Apparently not everyone,” I say, waving my arm across the books strewn over the table to make my point. “Someone, very much wants me dead.”

I look to Levi who is watching me closely. “Do you think Nevin or Serafina might know where Amelia is?”

“I doubt it,” he answers, shaking his head.

“Who is Amelia?” Kain asks from beside me.

“Amelia used to be a Death Dealer. She’s not been seen or heard from since the war, according to Michael. He thinks she could be the root cause of all of this. I’m not as confident as he is, but it’s another thing to think about,” I tell them, while Levi pulls out his phone.

“I’ve dropped Nevin a message. When he comes to Earth next, he’ll get it. Hopefully it’s not too long till he pops up.”

We switch topics, and discuss lighter things until Nonnie feeds us, though Creek, Roman, and Kain all look pretty eager to discuss Amelia again. I try not to think about it, and just enjoy the stupid stories that they tell about their pasts, things that happened in-between my times with them. We’ve got forever together, so I no longer feel that twang of sadness when thinking about the time we spent apart in the past.

I finish the Shakshuka Nonnie made for us, and lean back in my chair, more than a little contented. I pat my stomach and pull my legs up to sit cross legged on the chair. A knock on the glass door startles me. I turn and see Nevin opening the door and entering the room.

“You summoned?” he says with a tight smile, looking at Levi.

“I didn’t expect you so soon,” Levi tells him, standing. Nevin moves towards us and sits at the end of the table, opposite where Levi is sitting.

“Since Michael re-instated you as general, he’s had me stationed here just in case you needed anything from Avalon, since no one would suspect anything at me being gone, and Remy is here already.” He huffs, and crosses his arms. I look at him concerned. He looks tired, like he’s overworking himself, and I wonder what it is Michael and Levi have him doing.

“Do you want some food? Nonnie always cooks way more than we need,” I offer, and he gives me a tight smile.

“Thank you, that would be amazing.” I move to stand and Kain puts a hand on my arm.

“I’ll sort it,” he says as he stands.

“Thanks,” I say at the same time as Nevin.

“So, what brings me here this late in the day?” Nevin asks again as Kain places a plate in front of him, and pours him a glass of whiskey like the rest of us.

“Amelia,” I tell him. He looks bewildered at the name before pushing his glasses further up his nose. I’ve decided they must just be for show, because angels don’t need glasses, and I have no memory of him having them before this life. Unless something happened to him, but I’m not rude enough to just ask him, despite how curious I am about it.

“Amelia hasn’t been seen

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