A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,36

the weight of worlds hanging over us. He climbs out of the truck and is opening my door before I even get my belt off. He seems so excited, and it’s practically infectious. His hands take me by the waist and he lifts me from the truck, so I wrap my arms and legs around him, kissing him, letting how carefree he is wash over me, and enjoy this time with him. Fate knows I’ve got plenty of other time to worry about everything else in our lives.

“I could just carry you to where we’re going… or I could just keep you here,” he says as he pushes us up against his truck and kisses me again.

“Tempting as that is, we came all this way, I want to know where we’re going!”

He smiles even as he groans at me, but kisses me again and then pops me back on my feet.

“Come on then, let’s go.” He winks at me as he turns and heads into the thick trees lining the road. We hike through the bush for what feels like an age, and I’ve never been happier about my new found angel status because I don’t get tired the entire trek, so score one in the angel column.

Creek stops in front of me and turns to face me, his face hidden in the shadows of the forest, but his green eyes are like beacons in the night. “Close your eyes.”

I just blink at him, because, is he nuts? I’ll trip and break myself.

“Just close your eyes, Remy. Trust me.”

“I trust you with my life,” I tell him honestly, because it couldn’t be more true.

“Then close your eyes,” he huffs with a small laugh, and I shrug but do as he asks. A twig snap as he moves towards me. He moves behind me and put his hands on my waist. He nudges me forward. Even with unsure footing, I try to let him just direct me. I can practically feel his smile. We move like this for a few minutes, our progress slow, because despite trusting him, walking with my eyes closed in a fucking forest is still enough to make a girl hesitant. I don’t care if I’m practically unbreakable, I still hurt easily enough.

As we leave the cover of the trees, the air feels cleaner, fresher, and the breeze whips through my hair.

“Few more steps,” he whispers in my ear, and my skin pimples from his breath on me. I move to where he positions me, and then he puts his hands over my eyes. “Ready?”

“I think so?” I laugh softly at his words, but I’m excited to see where he’s brought me.

“Okay, open your eyes.” He says the words as he takes his hands from my eyes. I blink a few times against the sudden bright light, but once I can see, my breath catches.

“This is…” I have no words for the beauty in front of me. We’re standing at the edge of a cliff, looking out at the stormy ocean, the sun out in the distance, the clear blue sky. It’s just so… beautiful.

“I know. I found it by accident, but I’ve come here a few times when I’ve needed to get my mind together. I know you’ve been dealing with a lot, so I thought you might like a little slice of peace.” I sigh happily at his words. He’s always been so thoughtful, and I’m glad the change in him didn’t change that.

“Thank you,” I tell him as he wraps his arms around my waist and leans his chin on my shoulder.

“There’s another reason I brought you here too.” His playful tone is back, and my stomach flips. “This cliff is perfect for cliff diving.”

“Holy shit. We’ve not done that…”

“Not since that time we lived on that island. I know. I would’ve taken you there, but it’s a little different there now.” He squeezes me tighter, and I can practically feel the excitement radiating through him. “Think it will still be as much fun, even though we’re basically indestructible?”

“Hell yes it will. We’re still reasonably new to this immortal shit. And if I shut out the Amantara part of my mind, I still feel so very human. Let’s do this!” I scramble from his arms and start kicking off my shoes and strip out of my clothes. It doesn’t take him a second to follow suit, and once we’re down to our undies, we walk to the edge.

“Ready?” I ask, almost breathless at the

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