Crossroads (Beautiful Biker MC Romance Series) - DD Prince Page 0,98

day I got it from my brothers for my birthday.

His eyes finally met mine.

“This has gotta stop,” he said, sounding tired.

“What has to stop?” My heart was beating really fast. It didn’t feel good.

“You and me can’t happen. You have to forget these ideas you’ve got.”

“Me?” I laughed drily, feeling my snark level rise. “You’re the one getting all attitude-y about anybody even looking at me.”

“I know.” He folded his arms over his chest and nodded. “And I’m gonna pull my shit together and stop.”

My eyebrows shot up to my hairline. “Um, you just, two seconds ago, scared someone off. You’re starting this new plan now, are you? Like… right now?” I pointed to the floor.

He bit into his bottom lip and shook his head. “You could do me a solid by not datin’ anyone in the club.”

I blinked. “I could what?”

“Get yourself a man not in the life. Make my life a little easier.”

“You’re telling me you want me to get myself a man?” I asked, aghast. “You want me to make myself off-limits to you, but not with another brother? To make your life easy? What? Then you don’t have to see anyone put their hands on me? Their mouth? Probably not see much of me at all because I’ll be busy with my new man somewhere other than the clubhouse. Do I have that right?”

He stared, flexing his jaw muscles.

“You’re unfuckingbelievable!” I shouted.

“Shh.” He put his index finger to his mouth.

“I will not shh.” My voice got louder. “An unfuckingbelievable dick is what you are!”

There was a fist pounding on my door.

“Maybe I’d rather fuck every available man in this club instead,” I warned. “Just to stick it to you.”

He bared his teeth.

I laughed. “You fucking jerk.”

“Joelle!” That was my father’s voice. More pounding came with it.

Christian turned and yanked the door open before I had a chance to think.

Oh my God!

Dad’s eyes went huge. “What the fuck are you doing in my daughter’s bedroom, Fork?”

“I can explain, Prez.” Christian held both hands up defensively.

Dad came in and slammed the door. “Then do that. Right fuckin’ now.”

“I’m tryin’ to impress on her that there’s nothing gonna happen with us. There’s been some flirtin’ and stuff but I’m tryin’ to keep it real with her, let her know nothin’ is gonna happen.”

“I don’t fucking believe this shit,” I snapped and folded my arms across my chest. “Flirting and stuff?”

Dad looked like he wanted to rip Christian’s head off. His eyes shot to me. “Joelle?”

“Fuck you, Christian Forker.” I whipped a pillow and it hit Christian in the gut before it fell to the floor.

My cat pounced from her spot on my bed onto that pillow like this was a game.

“Sorry, babe,” Christian said and left my room.

I let out a frustrated growl and grasped my hair in my hands at both sides of my head.

“You all right?” my father asked, looking concerned. And confused.

“He can fuck right off,” I shouted, making sure he would hear.

Dad scratched his head and leaned a shoulder against the door. “I know what I just heard ‘n saw but darlin’ last night down in the bar it looked quite the fuckin’ opposite. Like he’s the one with the fixation.”

“He’s got his head up his ass, Dad. And I don’t wanna fuckin’ talk about it.”

Flirtin’ and stuff. Flirtin’ and stuff? Stuff? Unfuckingbelievable.

“I know the man’s been there twice when you’ve been in danger and both times it’s down to him that you’re still breathin’. Has it turned into you getting a crush or sparked something between you two?”

“Yeah, Dad. That’s it. He’s my Superman and I’m gonna marry that man.”

I threw a pillow at the wall. And then another. I was so fucking furious right now.

Dad didn’t know what to make of me.

“I need to ride,” I got to my feet.

“Jojo?” Dad was frowning. “What’s goin’ on here?”

“I just fucking told you!” I shrieked, grabbing my helmet.

Dad caught my head with his palm, a move he’d always done since I was a toddler when I’d try to stomp off somewhere mad. “You do not go out ridin’ when you’re in this state. Walk 75% of it off before you ride.”

“Will do,” I snapped, grabbing my keys and phone. I left my dad in my room with my cat and I stormed past some bikers and women in the lounge, knowing every single eye was on me.

I stomped down the stairs and then circled the three Valentine buildings twice before I got on my Harley Copyright 2016 - 2024