Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,94

with this second idea rather than the first.”

His arm accidentally brushed hers as he moved the plans. The rush of familiar feelings warmed her entire body, but she had learned early on not to let him see how he could still affect her. How can he not feel the currents of electric fire flowing through my veins when he touches me? He could have me right now, right here… Does he not realize that?

Ryan quickly moved his arm, rolled up the plans, and picked up the phone to call Michael. That was her cue. She was dismissed.

He hung up the phone. That was a close one, he thought.

Ryan had not had a woman since he had met Katy. He had no desire to see anyone these days. Dating had become a thing of the past for the former playboy. Katy had changed his way of thinking. Working with her had been a joy. He had never in a million years thought they could pull it off. But she was bright and good at her job. She had been an asset to the company with her fresh ideas. Chloe had been wise to offer her the position. And Ryan had been a selfish fool to worry about seeing her on a daily basis. It was tough, especially when situations occurred like just a few minutes before, but he would not trade his days at work with her for all the women in Texas. He got up and went in search of her, finding her in the kitchen with Chloe.

“I called Michael and he’s going to adjust the plans, Katy. Thanks for your input.”

“No, problem, glad I could be of help.” Katy smiled, determined not to let him see she was still recovering from his accidental touch. Her love for him was like that last smoldering ember on a campfire… It just would not die.

Chloe watched the interaction between the two and smiled to herself. It won’t be long now. They can’t go on like this much longer.

A few days later, Katy was working on designs for the same restaurant in New England when Ryan happened into the office to look for something.

“What are you working on so intently there, Katy?” he teased her as she looked up from her sketches.

“The color scheme is giving me a few fits. Can’t quite get the shade I want for the restrooms,” she replied with a sigh.

“Let me see the choices.” He took the color palette from her hand and she pointed to the two she was having difficulty deciding between.

“I’d say go with this one, it’s a more relaxing shade.” As he handed the palette back to her, her hand brushed his. He held on for just a moment before she quickly drew it away.

“Thanks, Ryan. That’s the one we’ll go with. You’re right, it is more relaxing.”

He found what he was looking for and made a quick exit.

There were other similar incidents but still the star-crossed lovers would not reveal to each other the truth that everyone around them could see.

Katy was learning her way around the area and enjoyed being close to Marianne and Chloe. She was even able to visit with Lizzie when she came out to work. Katy loved her apartment and had put the finishing touches on the decorating. She tried to make a life for herself with her friends outside of work to relieve the tensions of being in such close proximity to Ryan every day.

Winter passed and spring was in the air. There had been times she had wondered if she had made the right decision. Those moments of doubt had been on the days when the obvious tension between Ryan and herself were the most noticeable. For the most part, they were able to work pleasantly alongside each other. But every time he accidentally brushed against her in the office, sparks of electricity shot through her entire body, touching every nerve ending. She wondered if he felt it. How could he not? If he did, he never let on. He was cordial and pleasant. He was a good boss. She had been afraid he would try to make life miserable for her, but he had not.

They never mentioned last fall or any of what had happened. They did not mention what had not happened either. Life was rolling along and Katy was content, for the most part. The only thing that could have made her new life more perfect was Ryan O’Grady in her bed. But Copyright 2016 - 2024