Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,93

into Chloe’s office and was immediately hugged by Chloe and Shane.

“Where is he?” she asked cautiously.

“I made an excuse to send him on some errands. That should give us some time.” Shane answered. He was in on the plan, and admired Katy’s spunk.

“You will eventually have your own office. The corporate offices next door should be completed by late summer. But for now, we all just kind of share,” Chloe explained. “If there are no customers in the private dining room, we work out of there at times, too.”

Katy put her things down and sat in the office, going over details with Chloe while they awaited Ryan’s return. About an hour later, Shane came in to give them the “all systems go” cue.

“Are you ready?” Chloe asked, hugging her for luck.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Katy took a deep breath and walked into the dining room.

Shane was keeping Ryan occupied in conversation. He winked as she approached.

“Well, look who just walked in off the cold streets of Chicago, Ryan.”

Ryan turned and paled as he saw Katy. “What are you doing here? I didn’t realize Chloe had a meeting scheduled with you. The party room is done and we aren’t ready for anything else yet.”

“She didn’t.”

“I see…” He really didn’t see, but waited for further explanation. “How have you been?”

“I’ve been quite busy since I last saw you. I’ve been working hard with Angie to finish her hotel.”

“And how is that going?” he asked politely.

“I’m quite pleased. And I believe Angie is as well.”

“I never doubted it for a minute. You’re good at what you do, Katy.”

“I’ve also been busy in other areas, Ryan.”

“Oh, so you’ve taken on more clients. I guess that means you are turning down our offer?” he asked, not quite sure if he was disappointed or relieved.

“Not exactly, Ryan. Actually I’ve been extremely busy packing up my house and selling it. Alex and I’ve spent the past week driving across country and moving me into an apartment in Frisco. I hope you’re not too disappointed, Mr. O’Grady. I took your advice. I sold my house, gave up my business, moved to Dallas and am taking a chance. Today is my first day on the job, boss.” She extended her hand to him.

He looked at her as if she were an alien from outer space. “You did what?”

“I thought about what you said and decided I had nothing to lose. I have no one to answer to and if I want to move to Texas, what’s stopping me? Alex was all for it. I’m a free, healthy, relatively young woman. I decided to call your bluff.”

“You gave up your entire life to move here because of what I said? Why would you do that?”

“Why not?” she asked as she glared into his eyes, noticing immediately the gold flecks were on fire.

“Did you know about this?” He looked at Shane. Shane nodded.

“Why wasn’t I told?”

“You may be my boss as of today, Ryan, but you really had no say in the matter before that. In fact, you really have no say in anything I do other than when I’m at work, now do you, Ryan? I believe that was a decision that you made.”

The lady had a point. He could not argue with logic. Befuddled as he was that Katy had actually taken this step, he remembered his promise to Shane not to make her life difficult if she took the position in the company.

With all the charm he could muster, Ryan said, “I guess I may have underestimated you, little lady. Let’s go into the office and go over your salary and benefit plan. Welcome to O’Grady Enterprises.” He reached over, shook her hand, and led the way back to the office. Shane and Chloe had made themselves scarce, as had the rest of the staff.


Working with Ryan daily was a challenge, but Katy found that she enjoyed it. He was a sharp businessman and all the new plans were exciting, to say the least.

“Katy, come here and look at this. I want your opinion,” Ryan said as she walked past the office one morning.

She loved the fact that he had come to value her opinion. As she stood next to him and looked at the layout for the New England restaurant, she said approvingly, “Oh, I like that. That is so much better than the way it was going to be before Michael changed it.”

“That’s what I was thinking. I’ll let Michael know we’re going Copyright 2016 - 2024