Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,85

is a lot of fun. I can’t wait to work with her.”

“And I can’t wait to see you again. Let me know what time your flight arrives and one of us will pick you up. No need for you to rent a car. You can drive one of ours while you’re in town. You’d better get some sleep if you’re driving down to Davenport in the morning, Sweetie.”

“Yes, you’re right. I need to go. I’ll call you the day before I arrive and give you the details. Looking forward to seeing you. Give Jon and the boys my love.”

“I will, and you tell Angie and Michael I said hello.”

“Will do. Goodnight.”

“Sleep well, my friend.”

The drive to Davenport, Iowa the next day was pleasant and uneventful. The leaves on the trees were almost all gone and the early November chill had settled in the Midwest. Katy had no problems finding the resort. She gave the valet her keys and walked inside to her first view of the lobby. It was very posh and as she looked around, she was already forming new ideas in her head to go with the briefcase full of designs she’d developed in the weeks before.

She checked in at the desk in the lobby and went on up to her room. The bellhop followed with her bags. After placing a generous tip in his hand, Katy looked around the room. Very nice, she thought. Sage and heather blended to make a gorgeous color scheme for the room. Everything matched, from the drapes to the coverlet on the bed to the pictures on the wall. The furniture was cherry, very traditional and finely crafted. A king-sized bed looked inviting after her drive, with its luxuriously thick comforter and pillows, but there was not time for a nap.

There was a small fireplace in the corner, a sage and heather floral loveseat, a table and two chairs in front of the fireplace, and on the other side of the room, a cherry desk. There was an armoire for her clothes and a flat screen television set.

Walking into the bath, she could see that the décor matched the bedroom right down to the sage and heather towels. A Jacuzzi tub was on one wall and a large marble vanity was on the other, with a shower in one corner. A door separated the commode from the rest of the bathroom. There was even a phone and a small television set on the vanity. Whoever had done the original designs for the resort had good taste. Katy was going to have her work cut out for her if she wanted the new part of the hotel to be as swank as the original. But she knew that Angie would never have trusted her with so large a job if Angie had not thought Katy could do it, so she was confident. She glanced at her watch. If she wanted to unpack and freshen up a bit after being on the road for meeting Angie in her office, she’d better get a move on. The plan was for her to call Angie’s office when she was settled in.

Katy slipped out of the jeans and sweater she’d chosen for the drive and donned a pair of black dress slacks for her meeting. Adding a pale blue blouse and stylish black jacket, she fastened a set of pearls around her neck and slipped into black sling back pumps. She touched up her hair and make-up and. looking in the mirror, gave herself an approving smile. She placed a call to Angie’s secretary, telling her she was on her way down, got directions to the office and prepared to begin working.

Grabbing her briefcase full of designs and the new Coach purse she had treated herself to before the trip, she was on her way.


The week Katy spent working at the resort was very satisfying. She and Angie were able to agree on the décor of the new rooms and Katy felt good about the choices Angie had made. She felt the new rooms would be every bit as nice as the original ones, but in a more contemporary style, rather than the traditional style of the older portion of the hotel. Katy had decided to go with the different style in her designs and Angie had thought that was acceptable. After the work was finished for the week, Katy had a few days to relax before driving home to prepare for her Dallas jaunt. She Copyright 2016 - 2024