Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,72

Five’ men, now don’t forget about Shane,” he returned the smile.

Katy noticed Angie and Michael were holding hands as they walked out of the restaurant with the others. They had been quieter than the others this evening, reveling in their newfound reunion and just enjoying the company of each other and their friends. They look so happy. The way Ryan and I should be.

They all said goodbye to Katy and Ryan in the parking lot. The women were sad, knowing what Katy was facing. The men were thinking what a lucky man Ryan was. Katy was a good woman and he would be lucky to have her heart. She had not shown any interest in a man for a long time. As Angie, Michael, Lizzie, Rex, Marianne, and Jon headed back to the hotel, they were each quiet with their own thoughts about their friend, Katy.

When they arrived at the hotel, Lizzie said goodnight to Rex, agreeing to meet him in the morning to go over last minute details before their meeting with the O’Gradys.

Jon kissed his wife goodnight and told her he would see her at home on Saturday. She smiled and told him she would be there after she saw the others off.

Angie and Michael lingered in the hallway outside his suite saying goodnight. Neither wanted the evening to end, but Angie finally pulled herself away and headed back to the elevator to go to her own suite. There would be plenty of nights with Michael when they got back to Iowa. The rest of the week was for her friends. And it was slowly coming to an end. What an eventful week it has been for all of us. We’ve all gotten our happy endings, but what about Katy? Will she get her happy ending too? It’s not fair if she doesn’t.


Back at the bachelor pad, Ryan helped Katy out of the car and escorted her to the entrance of his condo, nodding to the doorman as they walked past him. The doorman watched the couple as they entered the building. Mr. O’Grady had brought many women to his place in the past, but certainly none as attractive and classy as the one on his arm tonight.

As Ryan unlocked the door and ushered her in, he flipped the light switch by the front door. “Welcome to my humble abode,” he said as he led her to the couch.

“This is very nice, Ryan, a real bachelor pad.” Katy laughed as she looked around. He certainly had good taste. The leather furniture suited him well. He had a southwestern décor, which fit into his Texas lifestyle. He had done a good job with the condo. Or had someone else decorated it for him? She really did not want to know.

“Thank you. Have a seat. Would you like a drink?” he asked politely.

“After that scrumptious meal, I don’t need a thing, thank you.” She sat down on the oversized leather sofa and smiled up at him nervously.

“Now, what did you want to talk to me about, my sweet?” he asked as he plopped down beside her. “Maybe we don’t need to talk, after all. You look very fetching sitting on my sofa.” He pulled her to him and kissed her, a long, lingering kiss that begged to be taken further.

She gave herself to the kiss, returning his passion with her own. Oh, Ryan…All lucid thoughts were gone as she lost herself in Ryan’s kisses. He laid her back on the couch, tracing her face with his finger. He looked into her eyes, kissed her again and sat up, pulling her up beside him. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I promised you I would behave, and I will.”

“It’s ok, Ryan. I didn’t exactly fight you, now did I?” Katy laughed. I only wish we could have finished what we began on this couch. This is all so confusing. One minute I think we are not meant to be lovers and then he kisses me and I wonder if maybe we are. I have to tell him now before we go to a place we may not be supposed to go.

“No, I guess you didn’t. That was some kiss. But you said you wanted to talk, so I am ready to listen now.”

She took a deep breath before beginning.

“Ryan, in the past week, we have become close, am I right?” she began nervously chewing her lip as she watched his face.

“We have. You came into my sorry life like a Texas tornado. Copyright 2016 - 2024