Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,71

sighed. Ryan was being very attentive. He had not kept his eyes off her for more than a few seconds all evening. How in the world can I break this wonderful man’s heart? But she knew she had to, just as she knew now that they were never meant to be lovers. And maybe when she told him the truth, he would see that too. I wish I never had to tell him.

The group was served salad next. The vinaigrette dressing was superb and Shane proudly admitted that his wife had perfected the recipe herself.

Rex and Jon teased Michael about coming back into the ‘Fab Four’ fold. They also proceeded to give Ryan pointers on being one of the ‘Fab Four’ men. The girls laughed as the men carried on their hilarious conversation. Katy silently wished he really could be one of them.

“Actually, I’ve been thinking,” Katy said, “we may have to change our name from the ‘Fab Four’ to the ‘Fab Five.’ We may just have to vote Chloe in as an honorary member.” Katy touched her new friend’s hand.

“What an excellent idea, Katy,” Angie agreed instantly.

“Yes, let’s take a vote right now,” Lizzie said very seriously, then collapsed into giggles.

“All in favor raise your right hand.” Marianne said in her most serious tone.

As four right hands instantly went into the air, Chloe was speechless. “I don’t know what to say. Y’all have been together for so long. It is quite an honor to be included in your group. Thank you so much.” Chloe wiped away a tear as she smiled at her new friends.

“It’s official, now, buddy, get used to it,” Michael warned Shane as he slapped him on the back. “You are now a ‘Fab Five’ man, just like the rest of us.”

“Oh, boy, not quite sure what that means, but I’m in if y’all have this much fun every time you get together.” Shane laughed.

The group of friends were all still laughing together as the main course of prime rib was brought to the table. The meal was delicious. The meat tender and succulent, accompanied by tiny red potatoes cooked to perfection with just a hint of seasoning, and the vegetables were steamed perfectly. They all agreed that Chloe was the most fabulous chef they knew. They topped off the meal with her famous cheesecake for dessert. As they sat around the table enjoying dessert and coffee, they were all very content.

Their week would soon come to an end, but there would be many more ‘Fab Four’ get-togethers, and now there would be a fifth member to the group. How lucky they had been to have met such a wonderful person as Chloe O’Grady. The trip to Dallas had certainly been a fateful one in more ways than one. Katy thought sadly, I wish Ryan could really be one of us forever.

“Ryan, could we go someplace quiet after dinner? There are some things I need to discuss with you,” Katy said quietly so the others would not hear.

“You read my mind, Sweetie. I need to discuss some things with you too. When we’re finished here, I’ll take you to my place and we can talk undisturbed there. And I will be on my best behavior. If you want me to be, that is.” He winked at her and his eyes glowed as she blushed. “I know you said you wanted to take things slowly, and I understand that. And you know, many people would not believe those words just came out of Ryan O’Grady, former playboy’s mouth,” he teased as the gold flecks in his brown eyes twinkled.

Katy gently reached up to touch his cheek. If only. If only things could be different.

They lingered a while longer before the group reluctantly began to think about heading back to the hotel. As they stood to go, the Harts agreed on a time to meet the O’Grady family back at the restaurant tomorrow.

Jon was going back home after driving the group to the hotel. He had a full schedule tomorrow. He leaned over to kiss Marianne on the forehead as he helped her out of her chair.

“Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this evening. I enjoyed meeting all of you.” He shook the hands of the two O’Grady men and turned to Chloe, “Chloe, welcome to the group.”

“Thank you. We’re so glad you could make it, Jon.” Chloe smiled in reply. “It was nice to meet the ‘Fab Four’ men after meeting the wives.”

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