Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,29

she’d been cheating on him for over two years with her boss. He was devastated by that and by her death. He got hit with both barrels.”

“So that’s why he has sworn off women for all these years,” Katy said thoughtfully. It made more sense now.

“Yes, poor guy, he sold everything, lock, stock, and barrel and came out here to start over. He’s done well with the business, but never could let himself get serious about anyone. And believe me, plenty of women have tried. I wish so much for him to be happy with someone who deserves him.” The younger woman smiled in Katy’s direction. And you might just be the one, she thought, smiling to herself.

That explains a lot. It’s no wonder he had such a hard heart when it came to the fairer sex. I wonder if I could change his mind. Silly girl, many others have tried. You heard what Chloe said.

“I need to quit gossiping and get back to the kitchen. The lunch crowd will be coming in soon. Lizzie, did you talk with your husband?”

“Yes, he will be flying out on Thursday. Can you meet with us?”

“Why don’t y’all come here for dinner Thursday evening? Then we can meet on Friday to sign the contract.”

“That sounds good,” Lizzie replied happily.

Ryan walked over to Katy. “I am going to take a big chance here, little lady. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? We could go over some more of your ideas for the restaurant designs and talk about your future trips to Dallas.”

Katy was quick to reply, “That sounds lovely, Ryan. Would you like for me to meet you here?”

“No, I’ll pick you up at your hotel around seven, if that is agreeable? Where are you staying?”

“I’m at the Prava, I’ll meet you in the lobby at seven, then.” Katy’s stomach was churning as a delightfully warm feeling spread throughout her entire body at the thought of an entire evening with him.

“You’re on. See you then.” The man with the gold flecks in his eyes winked at her as he turned to walk away.

“I’ll look forward to it, Ryan.” I am going to get my chance. Tonight she could try to draw him out, maybe get him to open up to her about his grief. She could even share her story with him. He might see that it was finally time to move forward.

And as Katy pondered the evening ahead, across the room, Michael was staring into the beautiful brown eyes of the woman he loved. “Angie, I didn’t tell you because I had planned to surprise you and take you to dinner tonight. When you told me you were coming to Dallas, I almost fell off my chair. It was all I could do to not tell you that I would be here this week as well. My surprise didn’t quite work out the way I had planned, but how about it? Will you have dinner with me in the Big D tonight?”

“Okay, Michael, I will have dinner with you tonight, but the rest of the week is for the ‘Fab Four,’ got it?”

“I will be good, I promise. I’ll leave you alone with your friends until we get back home. I’ll meet you in the lobby of your hotel around seven-thirty then, if that’s all right with you.”

“Okay, I’ll see you then. Now I have to go. We’re planning to do some sight-seeing today.”

“Have fun,” he yelled after her as she joined the others. He watched her every move as she walked away from him toward her friends.

Why did Angie let him get to her? Just the thought of spending an evening in Michael’s company sent chills running up and down her spine. He said he would be good. But could she say the same? Yes, they would be good, alright. We could be so good together, if we let ourselves. She had not forgotten how it had been for them. She would never forget his touch, his kisses, lying in bed on lazy Saturday mornings all those years ago. The heat between them was still there, she was sure of it. How would she get through tonight and all the days that were ahead of her without giving in to that heat? I can’t let it happen. She was going to have to be very strong. They were once husband and wife, but that did not mean she was willing to start an affair with him now, all these Copyright 2016 - 2024