Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,28

a coral and white striped blouse. As always, her jewelry and nail polish matched her outfit. Coral and white leather sandals completed the picture. You could tell she was a designer. Her outfits and accessories always matched perfectly. She smiled at him and he thought his heart would melt. No, Ryan, you can’t do this to yourself. Never again, period.

“Girls, I’d like to introduce you to our architect, Mr. Michael Gray,” Shane said, completely unaware of the connection between the ‘Fab Four’ and Michael.

Michael turned around with a smile and stopped dead in his tracks. Oh, my God, he thought to himself. It was none other than the ‘Fab Four.’ They were standing right in front of him. His secret was out.

“Hello, girls, fancy meeting you here,” he said, quickly hiding his surprise.

“Y’all know each other? That’s great,” Chloe said.

Angie was in utter and complete shock. He had said something about a restaurant client in passing the night they had had dinner, but who in a million years would have thought it would have been in Dallas and at the restaurant owned by the O’Gradys? What kind of strange karma was at work here? It was as if the universe was determined to bring them together at every turn. Angie had always laughed at the idea of fate, but now she was beginning to wonder.

“Hello, Michael, you failed to tell me your other client was in Dallas,” she said accusingly.

“Your hotel is Mr. Gray’s other client? Now how strange is that?” Chloe was finding this all very amusing and secretly wondered what the connection was here. There definitely were sparks flying between those two. It could be felt by everyone in the room.

The other three girls were speechless as they stared at the man standing in front of them.

As Katy looked at him, she thought, Michael’s certainly still got it in the looks department. A little older, of course, but he is still very dashing. Angie would be crazy to let him get away a second time. After the three women greeted Michael, they left the couple to discuss whatever it was they needed to discuss.

What in the world is he doing here, in Dallas, seeing a client, the same week Angie was here on vacation with them? Katy wondered. It was almost too bizarre to comprehend. Katy looked from Lizzie to Mari and shook her head in disbelief as they followed Chloe to the other side of the room for their quick meeting.

Chloe looked at Lizzie. “Is there something wrong with us both being his clients at the same time? We don’t have a problem with that.”

Lizzie replied, smiling, “No, no, Chloe, nothing like that. You see, there is a bit of a history between those two. Let’s just say they have some unfinished business to work out, other than the hotel expansion.”

“I see,” Chloe smiled knowingly. She had been right. “They certainly make a striking couple, don’t they?”

“The problem is, they belong together and both of them are too stubborn to admit it. Everyone can see it but the two of them,” Marianne chimed in. “Or maybe they do see it and are too stubborn to do anything about it.”

“Well, I think I know a few people like that,” Chloe replied with a glance at her handsome brother-in-law. “Take that one for instance, sworn off women for ten years now. He needs to get over it and find someone special to share his life with. I keep trying to tell him not all women are like that hateful Marnie he thought was so great. I could have told him she was not the princess he thought she was. I didn’t like her from the first day I met her. But luckily, we lived hundreds of miles apart and I didn’t have to deal with her often. She was not my idea of a perfect sister-in-law… or wife. She was out for everything she could get, that one.”

“But I thought I heard his wife had died. Are you saying they split up?” Marianne asked, surprised at Chloe’s outburst.

“Oh, she died all right. She was killed in a car accident on her way home from a so-called business trip with her boss, who turned out to be her lover. Ryan found the divorce papers and a pretty impressive engagement ring in her purse after it was recovered from the accident. She’d already signed the papers. He sold the ring when he got rid of her things. He had no idea Copyright 2016 - 2024