Coyote (Hawks MC Next Generation #1) - Lila Rose Page 0,36

split, and Genny still pestered me like it was yesterday. I’d turned her down politely the first twenty times, but it was as if there was nothing in her skull since it didn’t sink in.

Sighing, I ran a hand over my head and shifted out of the doorway. “Get out.”

“Coyote,” she whined with a pout. “Come on, baby, let me help you relax.”

“No,” I clipped, crossing my arms over my chest. “How long you been in here?”

She smiled. “I saw you arrive and thought I’d come and surprise you.”

“How’d you get in?”

She giggled as she sat up, moving to the side of the bed, planting her feet on the floor. She spread her legs and ran her hand up to cup a breast. “I’m good at getting what I want.”

I didn’t feel anything but disgust.

What I also didn’t like was the fact she’d got into my room. “How did you get in?” I asked again, dropping my fisted hands to my sides.

She didn’t get a damn clue on my mood. With another pout, she cooed, “Aren’t you happy to see me?” She slipped her hand under her panties and touched herself, leaning back on my bed to do it.

She had nothing I wanted to see. Nothing I wanted to know. She was trash compared to Channa. I wouldn’t fucking have it. I’d been nice. I’d been calm, but I was about to lose my shit.

“No, I ain’t happy to see you. I want you to leave, bitch.”

She shook her head. “You don’t mean that, baby.”

“I do. Get the fuck out and never speak to or come near me again.”

She grinned and shook her head again. “I can’t do that. You need me, Coyote, and one day you’ll see it. Then I’ll be your old lady.”

I didn’t hit women, but I was considering it with this cunt.

Moving back to the door, I glanced out it. Genny must have thought I was going to close my door and have my way with her because she let out an excited squeal, then giggled before moaning, “Coyote.”

I cringed. “Yo, Blue. Can you get the prez for me?” I called down the hall.

“You good?” Blue asked.

“Will be soon,” I told him. He shot me a chin lift and went to get Talon.

Another shrill laugh from Genny sounded behind me. I faced her as she ground down on her fingers. She licked her lips. “Never done a daddy and son before.”

Bile threatened. I screwed my nose up at her, but she just kept doing what she was with a smile on her face. Fucking sick bitch. I couldn’t understand how she was seriously so dumb. She had to have a screw loose.

Christ, I didn’t want to watch her any longer. I moved back into the hall and closed my door. The last thing I heard was her saying, “I’ll wait for you.”

A few moments later, Talon and Blue were coming down the hall. Talon called, “What’s up?”

“Found somethin’ in my room I want gone.” When they reached my side, I opened the door, and Genny was still there on the bed riding her fingers.

“The fuck?” Talon snarled.

“Stop,” Blue ordered, and she finally fucking listened.

Genny pulled her hand free and licked her fingers. The three of us all sneered our disgust.

“She was in here when I got here.”

Talon’s gaze came to me. “You didn’t lock your door?”

“Oh, I fuckin’ locked it. She got in and won’t say how. I’ve asked her to leave a few times, but she won’t. Thinks she’ll be my old lady one day.”

Talon groaned, closed his eyes, and scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’m sick of this shit.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Instead of answering, he looked back at Genny. “Get your shit and get the fuck out. You’re banned from the compound. Banned from hookin’ up with any brother. If I find out you have or you even tried, you’ll be hearin’ from Hellmouth.”

Genny’s eyes widened. Every woman knew not to fuck with Hellmouth. She’d threatened and scared a few club bunnies with a knife when the bunnies got too close to her man or any who was already claimed.

“Please, please don’t do this to me.”

“Genny,” Talon barked over her cries. “Had too many complaints about you. Not only with not listenin’ to the brothers, but from some of the bitches you slapped around thinkin’ you owned some of the brothers. It’s over. Get your clothes, your shit, and get the fuck out. We never want to see your face again.”

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