Coyote (Hawks MC Next Generation #1) - Lila Rose Page 0,32

he have to be so good-looking? “I’ll just get my things and we’ll head off.”

“Got it.” He stayed right there.

“Um, I’ll meet you out the front?”

He chuckled. “Okay.” He walked to the doors and out them, and as soon as he was gone, Stanley turned to me.

“What the fuck?” he asked. “Are you scared to be around him because of what happened? He won’t hurt you.”

“I know.”

“Then what is it? Shit, if it’s because he’s in a biker club, it shouldn’t matter. I’ve done my research into them, and I’d be proud to have a son-in-law in their club because I’ve learned how damn fierce they are with protecting their women.”

“I’m not his woman,” I blurted.

He paused, then guffawed. “You’ve got a big old crush on him. That’s why you’re acting all stupid.”

“I do not!” I near screeched.

With another laugh, he picked up his icing bag again and got to work once more. “Sure,” he drew out.

“I don’t. I knew him back in high school and he doesn’t remember me. That’s why it’s awkward.”

He shook his head. “It’s that, but there’s something else. Like you want to stick your tongue in his mouth.”

“Stanley, I don’t,” I snapped.

He rolled his eyes. “Give the guy a break, kid. He’s nice.”

“I am not speaking to you about him. There is nothing between Cody and me. There never will be.”

“You call him Cody, hey?” He grinned.


“I’m going,” I told him, grabbing my bag from my locker.

“Enjoy your walk,” he taunted with a chuckle.

“Shut up, Stanley,” I said and then slipped through the doors. After another thought, I stuck my head back through and said, “Thank you for helping me, Stanley. You know I love you, right?”

He froze, swallowed, and nodded. “Yeah, kid. I know because you can’t stay mad at me. But right back at you.”

My heart warmed. With a smile, I shut the door again only to turn and find Denise staring at me. “Bryson wants in your pants,” she blurted.

“What? No, no he doesn’t. Oh my God, Denise, don’t put that in my head.”

“I’d thought you’d see it eventually, and yes, he’s treated you like a friend, but he wants you, Channa. I’m only saying this because I’m worried he’s going to get his head knocked in by the other guy who’s interested.”


Her brows dipped, her head tilted, and the look she gave me told me she thought I was an idiot. Heck, I was getting that a lot lately. I’d even give myself that look as well, but I was honestly sure she was wrong about Cody. She didn’t know our history; she didn’t understand.

“Um, okay, I don’t think that’s what’s going on with Cody. But let’s table this for another day.” I had enough to deal with on the walk home. I still hadn’t come up with anything to tell Cody about how I knew his name.

“All right, I know you’ve been through a lot lately. I just thought you should know. Maybe, I don’t know, warn Bryson or something.”

I waved her words off and started for the door where I could see Cody waiting outside. “It’ll be fine.” It would; at least, I hoped it would. As soon as I had a talk with Cody, I probably wouldn’t see him again since I knew things were heading back to normal.

Gulping, I pushed open the front door and walked out.

When Cody smiled, I stumbled a little. Cursing at myself, I said, “Hey.”

His smile widened. “Hey. You ready?”

“Yep.” I nodded. We started off down the path. At least with my house not being far, I might have a chance to skip over my reason for knowing his name by the time we got there. Unless he expected to come inside. Damn, would he?

“How’d you come to runnin’ a bakery?” Cody asked, and I couldn’t help but be surprised and happy he spoke of something else other than me knowing his name.

“Mum and I always loved baking.” I smiled just thinking of her. “It was our dream, and after working hard, saving, it became a reality. We knew it wasn’t going to be easy.” We’d gone to so many banks for a loan and were rejected by most, except one, and that was all we needed. “But it was worth it,” I told him.

“Where’s your mum now?”

Sorrow stabbed at my chest. “She passed away two years ago.”

“I’m sorry,” he said softly.


A hand grabbed my wrist and I was pulled to a stop just metres away from my house. I’d nearly made it. Copyright 2016 - 2024