Coyote (Hawks MC Next Generation #1) - Lila Rose Page 0,31

back.” I fled through the doors like my arse was on fire.

Stanley looked over at me from icing a cake a customer had ordered for her husband’s birthday. It was a penis cake, and usually thinking of such requests made me smile when customers did things like this for friends or loved ones. Only I didn’t smile this time because I was too busy freaking out.

“What’s up your arse?”

“Nothing.” I snorted and walked over to the bench. “You need a hand?”

His eyes narrowed. “Do you want to wreck this cake?”


“Then I don’t need a hand. Who are you hiding from?”

I laughed, only it wasn’t a real one. “No one.”

We both turned to the doors when we heard them swish open. It wasn’t the only thing swishing; my belly did as well when Cody smirked.

“Ah,” Stanley drew out. He rolled his eyes and went back to work after a nod to Cody.

“Channa, how are you feelin’?” Cody asked. He moved over to the wall and leaned there, resting back like he was in the mood for a long chat. I wasn’t. I wasn’t even in the mood for an itty-bitty one. However, I needed to make sure the mess was honestly over and I would be safe once more.

Suddenly, I felt dizzy as the blood rushed to my head. Please, God, make things good.

Instead of answering him, I asked quietly, “Is it over, really?”

He nodded. “Yeah, it is. He won’t come after you again.”

Did I want to know what happened to him? What did bikers do to men who tried harming them? Put on masks and stab them repeatedly? Did they stick knives to their hands and slash them open over and over…? I really had to stop watching horror movies.

I decided I didn’t want to know what they did to him.

Sighing in relief, I felt tension drift from my shoulders. “Thank God.”

I didn’t know if I was supposed to feel guilty over being elated that he couldn’t hurt me anymore because I wasn’t sure if he was still alive or not.

He had been going to kill us. End us. Guilt wasn’t supposed to play a part in this scenario. I was supposed to be happy knowing he wasn’t out there. That he’d been stopped from hurting me, Cody, and even my family—Denise, Stanley, the dogs.

Yet, guilt niggled away inside me.

“Channa,” Stanley called. “Don’t you dare.”

“What?” Cody asked.

“She’s feeling guilty for being happy about knowing he won’t bother her.”

“What? No, I wasn’t.” I laughed, the sound forced. “Please, I’m fine.”

Cody straightened and took a step my way. “Channa, you don’t need to feel guilty. He’ll pay for what he’s done—”

“I don’t want to know how,” I blurted, a little too loudly.

Stanley chuckled. “We’re not in a damn movie or book, kid. They didn’t kill him.” He paused and looked over at Cody. “Right?”

Cody’s grin was warm, and my belly fluttered, dammit. “He’s alive.”

“See,” Stanley said.

Maybe I did watch too many shows and my mind got carried away.

“Though, we did teach him a lesson,” Cody added.

“Like… maths or something?” I stupidly asked. I wanted to kick myself for it, especially when Stanley and Cody chuckled.

“He’s been handed over to the cops. They’d somehow found some things on him that he shouldn’t have had. He’ll be goin’ to jail for a long damn time. None of his other friends will do anything either. You’ve got nothing to worry about or feel guilty over.”

“Thank you,” I said automatically.

He shook his head. “No thanks needed. We got you into the mess, so we got you out. Hell, we’re the ones who are thankful to you.”

Heat hit my cheeks. I picked up a tea towel and started wiping down the bench. Stanley shot me a look, one that said he thought I was a fool. I had to agree.

“Anyway,” I started. “I better get back to work.”

“Aren’t you leaving?” Stanley asked.

I punched him in the arm. “Such a joker. I have a billion things to do.”

“Channa,” Cody said.

“Hmm?” I asked, still wiping at that invisible spot.

“Can I walk you home?”

I stilled. “Um, busy?”

“Channa, you still need to rest,” Cody said. He was right, and I felt like a zombie, but I wasn’t leaving the shop without protection for me against Cody. He’d ask questions, well a question, one I didn’t want to talk about. Yes, it was probably stupid, but I couldn’t help it.

However, I’d look more pathetic if I kept going as I was.

I nodded. “All right.” I glanced at him and away. Why did Copyright 2016 - 2024