Coyote (Hawks MC Next Generation #1) - Lila Rose Page 0,25

ached. I had a right to feel safer now I knew the Hawks men would deal with the rest.

“How does a person even get a rocket launcher?” Ruin asked.

I snorted, then laughed, holding my stomach because it hurt.

“I have my ways,” Stanley answered, and then said nothing more when Ruin hounded him.

At the hospital, I thought they would call the police after we shared we were in a car accident. They didn’t, and I had a feeling it had something to do with the Hawks MC and the people they knew. The cuts were cleaned, our heads scanned, and it turned out Cody had a concussion. Mine was just a bad headache from hitting my head. Though, I had bruised ribs and a bandaged arm where one of the cuts needed stitches. To my embarrassment, Cody had told them how I reacted after everything, and they were sure it was shock and nothing else. Since I was more back to myself as time went by, he believed them.

We were sent on our way with prescriptions of pain meds, which Ruin picked up from a twenty-four-hour pharmacy on the way to Stanley’s.

“Are you sure I can’t just go back to my place?” I asked once more.

“No,” Stanley stated. “One more night at my place and then I’ll get the dogs back to your house before I come into work tomorrow. Yeah?”

“Okay. Denise was okay about everything?”

“As I said, she was pissed, shocked, but she’s fine. Are you sure you want to go back to work tomorrow?”

“Yes, I need to. You know I hate closing the place down.” We pulled into Stanley’s driveway and I saw another car sitting at the curb. The one Ruin said would be there for him and Cody to take when they left.

“You need to hire someone to help,” Cody said from beside me.

I nodded. “I’m going to look into it soon.”

He smiled. “Just rest today then, yeah?”

“I will…. Um, are you going to be okay? You should rest, but not too much, have someone check on you every hour if you do.” I sounded like an idiot. I’d said everything the doctor had, so he didn’t need me repeating it.

“I’ll be fine,” he told me.

We all got out of the car, and when Cody walked around to my side, he took my hand. My heart fluttered. “I’ll come see you tomorrow—”

My belly dipped. “You don’t have to. I’m fine now, and sorry for freaking out on you. It just got to me once I knew things were going to be okay.”

“Don’t apologize. I get it. Fuck, Channa, you were brave.”

I glanced away and shook my head but didn’t say anything.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said again. I’d opened my mouth to say something when his finger landed on my lips. “Nuh-uh, I’ll be seeing you, and then you can tell me how you knew my name.”

Oh shit. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He smirked. “You do.” With a wink, he dropped my hand and nodded towards the front of the house where Stanley stood waiting.

I didn’t know what to say. I probably couldn’t say anything anyway because I had to use all my energy thinking of a lie for when he popped in tomorrow.

Shit, again.

And just when I thought I wouldn’t have to see him again and the past could stay in the past. Luck just wasn’t on my side, and it seemed Cody Marcus was going to stick around a little longer.

Chapter Seven


Ruin and I got into the car left for us. I sat in the passenger seat and stared at the house until Stanley and Channa went inside. Again, I thought about Channa, when she cried out my name, my real name, right before they crashed into us. How’d she know my name?

I was sure no one had said it that first night, and I was looking forward to seeing what she’d say since when I’d already questioned her, she’d looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Scared. Only nothing like she had been after everything that happened. Christ, she’d put fear in me when I’d seen her on the ground and the motherfucker pointing a gun at her, and then again when, after it all ended, she hadn’t been herself.

Anger had me fisting my hands and clenching my jaw. Those cunts nearly had her, and on my watch. It was damn lucky she knew how to handle herself.

“You think she’ll be okay?” Ruin asked.

“Yeah, eventually.” And she would. I could tell Copyright 2016 - 2024