Corruption - Leigh Lennon Page 0,53

thought you’d like to know he was looking for you. Call me tomorrow. I love you.

Man, this had been a long message, and I pocket my phone to search the crowd for some of Maddox’s boys, who I could recognize from the pictures he has of them in his office.

Many people walk by, staring at my formal digs as I wait to find someone I recognize. I’m in my own world when I hear my name. I’m excited, but then my anticipation falls the second my eyes lock on the man who outed me to my father.

I’d felt bad for leading him on at first, but all my pity was replaced with pure anger.

“Jewel, sweetheart.” He runs toward me, and I search the crowd for anyone I may recognize, hoping to see one of Maddox’s friends because Maddox won’t react well to Drake’s appearance.

“What are you doing here?” I back up until I have no place to go, and he cages me into a corner near the base of the Space Needle.

“I’ll never accept you picked that asshole after the connection we shared our first night together.”

I pull my phone out of my clutch, my pulse accelerating to a rate that can’t be healthy. “And you got even by telling my dad, so as far as I’m concerned, it’s an eye for an eye. You can leave.”

“No, I’m not leaving without you. I’ve never had this love at first sight sensation as I do with you, and I’ll never leave you alone.” His eyes are erratic, and his pitch is almost frenzied.

I’m trying to hit Maddox’s number without looking at my phone when I hear my name once again. “Jewel, Jewel, shit, are you okay?” It’s not Maddox’s voice, but I don’t care if it were the Easter bunny who was coming to my rescue.

Two large hands pull Drake away from me, almost pushing off him, and Drake falls on his rear. I don’t recognize his friend at first, only the jet black hair and the burning eyes that I feel could kill Drake on sight. A younger woman with honey chestnut hair throws one of her hands around me. “Kitten, get her out of here.”

A couple more men surround the man I think now must be Chadwick since he calls his girl Kitten. It had been one of the many stories Maddox told me about his friends. The other men, two with dark hair and two with sandy blond hair fall in line, but there’s no sight of Maddox nearby.

“Are you okay, Jewel?” the friendly face of this stranger asks me. My hands quiver as she walks me farther from the scene of the crime. I give her a bob of my head, and her gentle smile calms some of my raging nerves. “By the way, honey, I’m Eve.” A couple more girls join Eve, and they both give me tight smiles. “This is Shiloh.” Eve points at the platinum blond in a tight flamingo pink dress, showing more legs than boobs, and her boobs are certainly on display. My attention moves to the girl with light brown hair in a bob. “And this is Kira. Let’s go ahead and give the men some room as they take care of this asshole.”

I glance backward, wondering if they’ll beat the crap out of Drake in broad daylight, and Eve is able to discern my concern. “Don’t worry, honey, they won’t lay a finger on him. Believe me, they will let their money hurt the man a fuck ton more.” The other two girls, whose names I’ve immediately forgotten, begin to giggle. And somehow, it doesn’t surprise me that they could make him bleed in more ways than just physical, though it worries me because Drake’s money speaks volumes, too.

Chapter Nineteen


With all my best friends, I had wanted to give her both her club card and club choker as mine in front of them. It’s something they’ve all done, and because they are as much a part of my family as Calla, Rain, and my mother, I want to share this with them.

Rounding the corner, I focus my eyes on where I left my precious gem, and the only thing that catches my attention are my boys with that fucker Danner in the middle of the five of them. I search for Jewel and find her right away in the protection of Jared’s, Cord’s, and Chadwick’s girls. Making my way to the circle, I see Anton darts his gaze to me. Copyright 2016 - 2024