Corruption - Leigh Lennon Page 0,51

could bathe in this forever and never tire of the smell.

“Please tell me, Master. I have to know.”

He pushes up against his headboard, bringing me with him. “First, I’m taking you out for breakfast. I’m not used to eating this many meals at home.” I snicker at him because I don’t think he’d ever eaten homecooked meals, only takeout.

“I would love this, Master,” I say, and his smile becomes larger.

“I’m also taking you to the community college to register for classes. Have you given any thought to what you’d like to study?”

I’d forgotten he told me he’d do this for me. And with all the other stuff he’s provided, it’s slipped my mind. It’s all I’d ever thought about when my father wouldn’t let me attend college, but now, I don’t want Maddox to think my intended major is silly.

The same shyness I feel on the inside must be obvious on my face.

“Jewel, sweetheart, I’m here to support you. Just tell me.” I can see the tic in his jaw hardening. “Fuck, I hate what your father did to you. He demeaned you, and you’re ashamed to tell me, the man who wants to be your everything, what you’d like to do with your life.” I move my gaze to his, and he tips my chin toward him. “I’m not upset with you, and I’ll support you in anything. Unless you say you want to become a stripper. I’m not sure I can do that.”

He makes me giggle. “No stripping, I promise,” I begin when I know he’s right. If anyone will support me, it’s Maddox. “I’d like to study music. And maybe teach it one day. I love children, and I love music. So…”

“So, music it is.” He lifts my face to his and drops his usual kiss on my forehead. “You forget I heard you sing that day in the shower. I know you can carry a tune and then some, and if it’s your passion, this is what I want for you.” A sinister smile crawls onto his face. “And I’m assuming you sang in the choir?” I give him the answer with a nod. “Ah, that’s what I thought. I bet you’d look sexy in one of those choir gowns. And now that I think about it, I want to use that for role-play one day.” I snicker at his words, but goodness gracious, the thought makes my heart pitter-patter.

He drops another kiss on my forehead, and I covet this sweetness in him. His eyes reach mine, and his more serious, studious expression appears again. “And thank you for trusting me enough to tell me.”

“May I start getting ready, Master?” I ask, pushing from the bed as he brings me back to his space.

“Oh, I have more,” he announces, and my face searches his, hoping he’s not going to dangle this in front of me. I want to know now. “And because you’ve done all I’ve asked of you, I’m going to tell you.”

I clap my hands as if I’m four, and I’m getting told my mom’s taking me to the park. I push up on my knees to watch him. “I go back to work at the club officially tomorrow, but I thought we’d go tonight to play a little.”

I can feel my eyes brim with excitement. My father, my mother, the ones who brought me into this world don’t see my self worth, not like Maddox does.

“What do you think? How about I take my girl out for breakfast, get her registered for classes, then…we’ll come back and get ready for the club tonight?”

As we make our way into the bathroom, I get ready first. And after I’m dressed, I sit and watch him as he showers, and it only makes me that much more ready for tonight.

I should have known Maddox called ahead, making an appointment with an advisor. And as I sit there, weighing all my options, a heaviness takes hold concerning my family’s indifference to my dreams in life. Maddox literally holds my hand the entire time.

Once I’m registered, he slyly attempts to make it to the cashier without making a big issue of him paying for my tuition. I can’t believe he’s doing everything for me. As though he senses my guilt, he leans into me, when he returns, and whispers, “I believe in you. So everything I do is an investment in our future.”

This makes me smile as I throw my arms around his neck. “Thank you so much.”

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