Corruption - Leigh Lennon Page 0,14

care of what is mine, very well. And I want access to you whenever I see fit. Do you understand what I’m saying, sweetheart?”

“Yes, Sir.” He stands, pulling me from the floor until I’m flush against his body. Placing the sweetest kiss on my cheek, he hands me a business card.

“Program this into your phone immediately.” His demand sends a shiver right back down my spine. “And put your number in my phone.” He hands me his cell, and I program it in, then give it back, our fingers brushing one another. It’s nowhere near the instant connection I had with Maddox, but there’s certainly chemistry as my stomach clenches in the most spectacular way.

“Until tonight, my beauty.” He leans down, brushing his lips to mine, then places a tender one on my forehead. “Text me when you are about to leave for our date, and I’ll send you the address. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Sir,” I answer.

“Okay. It’s very important to me that when I ask something of you, you do it.”

Oh, he’s demanding, for sure. I simply lower my head. “Yes, Sir. I will, Sir.”

Drake walks away, and I stand where he’s left me as the coconut lime of his aftershave fills the room.

I sense an imposing body near me, and I twist around so fast, I can sense the stupidly huge smile on my face at what Drake has told me. What he wants and how he will care for me.

When I expect the beautiful brown eyes of the man I’d just spent a half hour with, I’m staring into a different set of eyes—deep blue. I’m in front of the man who’s willingly giving me up. Before Maddox Sobota can ruin this for me, I rotate my body toward the door, grabbing my bag, purse, and keys, then walk straight out of the club and out of his life.

Chapter Five


Unlike the other Dungeon Elite bars, this is mainly one level, except for the upstairs loft set aside for Chadwick and some of the other owners who live in other parts of the world. I have a small apartment here, too, but need a separation from my work life and personal life.

I choose to head upstairs to the small bar that is stocked for all of us when we’re together. Pulling out the good stuff, the best fucking stuff I have, I sit in the peace and quiet, drowning my sorrows in my scotch.

Scrolling through my phone, I have her cell number programmed, and I don’t know why. I’d never planned on calling her, but knowing it’s in my phone gives me a level of control because I can call if I ever want.

The wood floors throughout the club are great, especially when I’m trying to ward off company. I’m not fast enough, though, because Jay catches me before I can get away from him in my private apartment.

“Maddox, do you have a second?” His hands are in his pockets, and his tone is the universal I’m going to hit you with bad news sort of pitch.

I don’t verbally answer him, drowning my sorrows in my scotch, but with a quick nod, he has my answer. “I got off the phone with Drake Danner. He wants to make sure I have a contract ready for him and Ms. Atkins. I mean, he’s thinking it will take a couple of dates, but…”

I slam the glass down. “Why are you telling me this? I let her go. It’s what’s best for the both of us. Fuck, her dad is blackmailing her. She doesn’t need another asshole to run her life. And Mr. Danner is looking for a partner. And, yeah, like the sick fuck I am, I watched them together. He could be what she needs. I’m not. Don’t you get that?”

I’ve never talked to Jay this long concerning personal matters. Personnel matters, yes. Business all the time, but I’ve barely given my friends this much of me before.

I can’t ignore the invading footsteps about to interrupt our conversation, which I want ended. Jay gives me one last stare down, not finished with this intervention yet. “I get it, but I thought you needed to know all the facts. It’s not too late.”

He leaves before I can tell him what he can truly do with all this information he thinks I need as he passes Chadwick at the top of the stairs. “Is that club business? What information did he think you needed?”

This man, one of my best friends Copyright 2016 - 2024