Corruption - Leigh Lennon Page 0,13

job, but it’s not the job or future I want for myself. I want to choose, and now these choices have been taken out of my hands.

“I’ll be working at a dairy farm for now. I’m saving for college.” I keep it simple. Sharing with Maddox the utter mess of my life had drained me, especially after being demeaned last night by my father. Everyone laughs at what I want to study, so I’m not ready to share this with Drake.

“You are nineteen, correct?” he asks.

“Yes, Sir. I just turned nineteen,” I answer in a confident tone. I may be submissive, but I’m not a scared little mouse. I’ve learned to stand up for myself, and I want him to see this attribute.

“And you aren’t currently going to college?”

With my hesitation, his voice startles me. “Why the reluctance?”

“I’m sorry if I came across this way. It’s just…well…my family and I have different ideas of what’s best for me.”

His tone lowers, but his pitch is strained. “Your family doesn’t want you to go to school, to better your education?”

“Yes, Sir. It’s shocking. But for now, I have nowhere to go, and I must follow my father’s rules.”

“And I assume they don’t know about this part of your life.” He sweeps his hand across the lounge, indicating the club, our lifestyle, my choices.

“No, Sir, not in the least. To be quite honest, my father is a preacher. And you can imagine…”

His laughter can’t be contained. “No, shit? Are you serious?” He’s amused, the deep browns shining at me.

“It’s the truth. I figured you had a right to know what you’d be getting with me.”

“Well, fuck, sweetheart, I have a feeling you won’t be boring, in the least.” He covers his mouth. “I hope my foul language doesn’t bother you. I swear and this won’t change for anyone,” he admits.

“No reason. It doesn’t offend me at all, Sir.”

He moves his right hand over, gazing at his expensive Rolex. “How late will you work tonight?” he asks.

“I’ll be off at eight—” I’m about to explain more when he cuts me off.

When his touch reaches my hands, an electric current spikes through my spine. “I like you. Hell, I saw your file and had to get to know you. I don’t normally do this. My last sub was my committed girlfriend, and well…that’s a story for another day. I’ve tried to find someone on my own, but it hasn’t been working. I’ve had my eye on you since I joined last month. And I took a chance today. I have a very different view of Dom/sub relationships.” He stops, moving his fingers up my hand, and to my forearm which is resting on the table. “I’m made for commitment, I’m made for a partnership, but I crave power with my partner. I crave to own them sexually, and quite honestly, I have wanted to own you since the beginning.” He stops as a blush creeps onto my face.

“The truth, Jewel, you’re everything I could be attracted to in this world. You’re much younger than me. I will admit this. I’m thirty-four. And your family situation doesn’t bother me. If you were mine, I’d demand you’d go to college.” He’s saying all the right things, and the lack of my family’s support hurts deep to the core. I let a little tear fall, and it lands on his hand while he caresses my arm.

“It’s okay to cry. Fuck, it makes me angry. But I want compatible, and I can see this in you. I can see you’ll obey me, and that, my little pet, is very important to me.”

I don’t know what to say and am not sure he’s waiting for me to agree.

“The bottom line, sweetheart, is I’d like to get to know you better. I want to take you out for dinner, then maybe come back here as mine for the night. I’ll give you time to understand what you’d be getting with me.”

“Yes, Sir, I’d like that.” I’m not sure if I have a choice. I can already tell he’s very controlling, but he wants me. Someone wants me. I’ve never had this before.

“Can I come pick you up?” His question hangs in the air a little bit longer.

“I’m sorry, Sir. Can I meet you somewhere? I just can’t...”

His face reddens because no Dom likes to be told no. “Okay. For now, that’s all right, but if we get involved, we’ll certainly revisit your living conditions because if you become mine, I take Copyright 2016 - 2024