Conflict of Interest - By Allyson Lindt Page 0,46

to say. Part of him knew that was a bad idea, and he told it to shut up. “So I can rescue the maiden in distress. Besides, I never said your home.”

Her mouth twisted in indecision. “I can’t put you out like that. Not on a big night like this. I’ll just go hang out at Denny’s or something until Riley answers my messages.”

“I have a guest bedroom. Better coffee than Denny’s. Hopefully better company than whatever’s on your phone.” He tried to keep the pleading from his voice, but he knew it was going to hurt if she turned him down.

A smile leaked in and she took his hand, letting him pull her to her feet. “How can I say no to an offer like that?”

He forced his attention from the way her hand nestled against his, warm, soft, clinging for longer than it should. “Come on. I’ve already made my excuses, let’s bail.”

Chapter 13

The entire ride to Scott’s place was tense. Kenzie spent most of it staring out the window, and he struggled to think of a way to start up a conversation. It took focus to keep his eyes on the road instead of tracing the curve of her neck, studying the way her dress hugged her shape, watching the disappointed heave of her chest every time she sighed. She was out of the car the moment he pulled into his parking spot, waiting next to the door with her hands folded together.

Indecision ripped through him. He didn’t know if he wanted to force her further away, or do whatever it took to make her smile.

But he did know. He was falling for her. Wanted her desperately and not just because the sex was incredible. He was struggling to keep from wrapping her up and comforting her. Except her hesitation when he’d offered her a ride home pretty much cemented for him she didn’t feel the same way.

He kept his distance as they made their way to the elevator. He swiped his wallet over the security bar and pressed the button for the top floor.

As they ascended, fantasy taunted him. Thoughts of bringing the elevator to a stop assaulted him, or even just pulling her close and running his hands over her for a quick, deep kiss before they reached their destination. He could almost feel her pressed against him.

The car glided to a stop, the doors slid open, and he pushed the thoughts aside. He let her step out first, gesturing to the only door on the floor. He forced himself to study the familiar beige walls, the rich silver rug, anything boring and familiar and not her ass, as they crossed the short distance to his door.

He reached around her, careful not to make any contact that could screw further with his head, and opened the door.

She paused just inside, and he had to straighten up and tuck in on himself to slide past without touching her. Her gaze seemed transfixed by the four large-screen TV’s lining the wall and the battered micro-suede sectional that might not land him in Better Homes and Gardens, but at least it was comfortable.

A smile tugged on her lips. “It’s not what I pictured, but I like it. A lot.”

He tried not to let the compliment warm him and failed. He nodded toward the closet. “You can leave your shoes in there. I can, I don’t know, try and dig you up something more comfortable to change into.” Please let that not be the wrong thing to say. Maybe she wanted to wear the evening gown for a few more hours.

She shrunk a few inches when she stepped out of her shoes. “That would be nice.”

He headed toward his bedroom without another word and draped his jacket and vest over the back of a chair, happy to be rid of at least one restriction. He yanked open a drawer and sifted through T-shirts until he found a newer one. White, simple, with someone’s black graphic on the back.

“I like your room.” Her soft voice startled him.

He whirled, surprised to see her lingering in the doorway, gaze on him and nowhere else. He didn’t know how much longer he could fake the small talk without sliding into flirting. He handed her the shirt. “You can wear this. I’ll dig you up a pair of shorts or something to go with it.”

“It’s fine, thank you.” She took it with a smile and turned her back to him. “Unzip me?”

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