Conflict of Interest - By Allyson Lindt Page 0,45

his ear and voice so low no one else could hear it. “I’m so very sorry about earlier. It wasn’t my place, and I would never question your judgment about things like that.”

“Things like that.” The qualifier almost took the edge off the apology, but only almost. He dipped his head in a short bow. “We’ll see you in the office again soon, Miss Carter.”

The corner of her mouth tugged down for the briefest moment before her smile returned full force. “Enjoy the rest of your evening, all three of you.”

He tried not to watch her walk away. The way her dress hugged her curves, dropping to the floor and swishing around her feet with every smooth step. It was a shame she hadn’t worn something open-backed, but the high collar had its own seductive allure.

An elbow landed in his side and he frowned, yanking his attention back to his immediate surroundings. Rae stood next to him, lips pursed, tiny smile on her face. Her voice was low. “She’s kind of formal and stuck up.”

Not when no one was looking. The thought sent a pulse through Scott, waking him up even more. He greeted the next wave of well-wishers and waited until they were gone to reply. “That’s what we pay her for.” He nodded at Zach. “So’s he when he thinks someone is watching.”

She glanced at Zach, smile growing. “I didn’t say it was a bad thing. Doesn’t it drive you nuts though?”

He both adored and loathed how well Rae knew him sometimes. “It’s not supposed to make me happy. It’s supposed to make Cartee happy.”

Smile pasted in place, she turned away to make small talk with someone Zach had introduced her to. It was a silly formality. Even though she wasn’t officially an employee, she’d been on the payroll as a consultant for several years, and she knew the investors as well as anyone.

She broke away as quickly as she could, even less comfortable with the pomp than Scott. “I heard about that. You really threatened to deck him?”

Scott shrugged. “He insulted one of my people.”

She hid her snicker behind her hand. “You’re such an alpha dog sometimes.”

“I’m not.” The term had always bothered him. Something about the idea of throwing his weight around just because he could didn’t feel right. “He was being an ass.”

“Hank’s always an ass,” she reminded him. “But you are completely putting me off-topic. You should make sure she gets home safe.”

Scott raised an eyebrow, struggling to hide how enticing the idea was. “If only.”

A knowing look flashed in Rae’s eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re worried about what people will think?”

“Am I ever?” He rolled his eyes, unable to keep his smile hidden. The conversation should have bugged the hell out of him. So why had it erased the ache in his cheeks instead?

His phone buzzed, and his hand flew to his pocket out of instinct. He ignored Zach’s dirty look for taking the call and stepped away from the group to read the new message from Kenzie.

Stepping out for the night. You really were brilliant. I’m sorry again.

She couldn’t leave.

Wait, why not? The impulse confounded him. He pocketed his phone and took his place next to Rae. He kept his voice low as he bent to whisper in her ear. “If I don’t make it back, tell everyone I had to talk to Japan before the markets opened.”

“Japan. Got it.”

He stepped away before Zach could stop him. With people slowly trickling out, it was much easier to sift through the crowds than it had been earlier. He was only stopped three times before he found Kenzie on a bench near the coat check, elbows on her knees, and face buried in her hands. That seemed out of place.

He slid onto the seat next to her, stopping just short of brushing her arm with his. “I’m glad I caught you.”

She looked up, eyes wide and rimmed with red.

His chest ached in response. “Are you all right?”

Her lips were tight. “My sister took off, supposedly with a busboy. She’s got my keys. Even if I call a cab, I can’t get into my condo. Not that I want to go home. I’m so furious with her I don’t even want to see her tonight.”

The frustration and waver in her voice ate at him. “I can take you home.”

“So you have an excuse to bail? Were you listening to anything I said?”

He stood and offered her a hand, refusing to consider what he was about Copyright 2016 - 2024