Confessing to the Cowboy - By Carla Cassidy Page 0,25

life in a wheelchair, he never saw her as handicapped.

“Come in, my main man, and I’ll show you the picture of the wedding dress I’ve been working on for half the day.” He followed her into the large room that had once been a dining area but now served as their bedroom and her office.

She wheeled to the computer and with a touch of her fingers pulled up a frothy white concoction that looked like it belonged in fairy-tale land. “What do you think?” she asked.

“Isn’t it bad luck for me to see this before the wedding?” he asked.

“Only if it’s on my body,” she replied.

“I think it’s gorgeous. Is this your final design?”

She frowned and stared at the screen thoughtfully. “I’m not sure. Maybe, maybe not.”

He’d already seen a dozen designs since the day they’d agreed on a Christmas wedding. He had a feeling he’d see a dozen more before she made her final decision.

At that moment the doorbell rang announcing Adam’s brother, Nick, and his wife, Courtney. Within minutes they were all gathered around the kitchen table with coffee and brownies served.

They talked a bit about the family ranch where Nick and Courtney lived with their son and then Melanie said how pleased she was that her business of designing and making dance costumes was really beginning to take off. Of course it didn’t take long for the small talk to turn to murder.

“It gives me the creeps to think that we’ve got another nut in this town,” Courtney said.

“I know exactly what you mean,” Melanie replied. “First Abigail Swisher tried to kill you and take your baby and then Jim Collins tried to kill me. Maybe it’s something in our water system,” she said half-jokingly.

“I’m hoping it’s somebody who has moved to town recently,” Adam said. “And I know Cameron is hoping the same thing.” He pointed to his brother’s empty coffee cup. “Ready for a refill?”

“No, relax, big brother, I’m good for now,” Nick replied.

Almost three months ago when Nick had come home to the family ranch after being gone for two years, he’d arrived to find the ranch in disrepair and Adam drinking like a fish to drown out thoughts of their oldest brother, Sam, who was in jail pending his trial for attempted murder.

Nick had used a combination of a kick in the ass along with strong brotherly support to pull Adam out of his depression. The whole experience had made the two brothers’ relationship stronger than it had ever been.

“I feel so sorry for Mary,” Courtney said. “I can’t imagine what she’s going through with all this and, other than Matt, she really doesn’t have anyone to talk to.”

“She has Cameron,” Melanie replied. “I mean, they seem to be good friends.”

“True, but I was talking more about a girlfriend.” Courtney took a bite of her brownie, washed it down with a quick sip of coffee and then continued. “I mean, isn’t it kind of strange that she’s been in town for eight years but doesn’t have any close friends? She doesn’t do lunch or go shopping with any girlfriends.”

“What are you saying? That Mary should be on our list of suspects?” Adam asked.

“No, nothing like that. We all know that Mary wouldn’t hurt a fly. I just think it’s weird not to have a close girlfriend and in all the time I worked for her I’ve never heard her mention anything about her husband or her time before she came to Grady Gulch.”

“I heard her husband died in a car wreck. Maybe his death is just too hard for her to talk about,” Nick said. He frowned and reached to take Courtney’s hand.

Adam knew he had to be thinking about how he’d reacted when their sister had been killed in a car accident. The day after Cherry’s funeral Nick had left town to escape his grief. Adam had tried to escape his in the bottom of a bottle.

“And now, on a happier note,” Melanie said as she looked at Courtney. “There’s a rumor going around that Garrett is going to have a little brother or sister.”

Courtney’s cheeks grew pink. “I guess sometimes the rumor mill gets it right, although I’m not even eight weeks yet.” She and Nick exchanged a glance that was filled with the love they had for each other.

Adam looked at Melanie and reached for her hand. “The minute we’re officially husband and wife we’re going to work hard to give Garrett and his new sibling a couple of cousins.”

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