Confessing to the Cowboy - By Carla Cassidy Page 0,24

shrugged and once again a tiny frown danced across her forehead, a frown Cameron would like to erase by running his fingers across it. He knew without a doubt that her skin would be soft and silky to the touch.

“To be honest, I’m not sure what Denver does for a living. I just assumed he did a little ranching and if he came up short for anything Maddy stepped in with her wallet.”

“But Maddy isn’t around anymore.”

Mary smiled ruefully. “You know how those two have been, off again, on again. They just happen to be off right now, but I imagine it won’t be long before they’re back together again. Apparently he’s invited Lynette on a date for this weekend. I was going to warn her before she went out with him not to get her heart involved with him.”

Her smiled faded. “But I have to say since he and Maddy broke up, Denver doesn’t seem to be hurting for money and he’s always been a big flirt with the waitresses. He’s driving a brand-new decked-out truck, so he must be working someplace and trying to move on from Maddy.”

“I don’t know about his social life but I intend to find out where he’s working and a little more about his life in general.”

“You know, you really don’t have to indulge Matt for his birthday. I know how busy you are and everything that you have on your shoulders right now.” She was giving him room to wiggle out of their plans, but he had no desire to back out.

“I think a few hours away from the investigation will be good for me. And I imagine you could use a break from this place, as well.” He wished she didn’t look slightly stressed by the idea of spending time with him. “Just a couple of hours, Mary...for Matt...for his birthday.”

“Of course,” she smiled at him but he could tell it was slightly forced. “Was there anything else you wanted right now? I really need to get back into the kitchen.” She rose from the chair, poised to run.

“We’re good for now. I’ll see you tomorrow for the big birthday celebration.”

“Okay... I’m looking forward to it.” For just a moment there was a vulnerable wistfulness in her eyes, an emotion that gave him the hope that there might be a chance for something to develop between them. And then she was gone, leaving behind only the faint whisper of her perfume as she raced away from the table.

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, he thought as he leaned back in his chair, his thoughts momentarily filled with her. Sometimes it felt as if she were playing games with him, pushing against him and then subtly pulling him closer.

He knew she wasn’t conscious of it, but she did seem aware of the intense chemistry that radiated between them. She seemed to fight against it rather than allow it to blossom and grow.

Although he was looking forward to spending some downtime with her and Matt, he certainly hadn’t forgotten he had a killer to catch.

* * *

Adam Benson entered his two-story home on Main just down the street from the Cowboy Café and the scent of baked chocolate instantly teased his nose.

“Somebody has been cooking something good,” he said as he pulled off his hat and coat and hung them in the entry closet.

There was a faint squeak of a wheelchair and then Melanie Brooks, the woman he loved more than life itself, appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. Slender and with classically beautiful features, she always caused a catch in his breath whenever he thought of the fact that she was his, that she loved him.

“Pumpkin and chocolate brownies and fresh-brewed coffee. Nick and Courtney should be here anytime.”

Adam looked at her in surprise and checked his watch. “At this time of night? After eight? I’m surprised they’d get Garrett out so late.”

“They have a babysitter for him and I knew if I wanted us all to get together for a quick visit it had better be around this time of night because you’ve been working such late hours.” She smiled up at him as he leaned down to give her a kiss.

Adam knew he’d never grow tired of kissing her, this wheelchair-bound dynamo who had agreed to marry him. She was his heart, his very soul and a woman he admired more than any other on the face of the earth. Despite the fact that she would live the rest of her Copyright 2016 - 2024