Conception (The Wellingtons #4) - Tessa Teevan Page 0,97

I’m happy. It’s unexpected, unplanned, of course, but I wouldn’t change it.”

Tears shimmer in her eyes. “I only wish your parents could be here.”

“I know. Me too.”

“May I ask who the father is?”

Once again, I glance at Sunny, who gives me an encouraging nod. I tell Grams about meeting Knox and how we embarked on a summer romance. I leave out the fling details—she definitely doesn’t need that—and then tell her how we never planned on seeing each other again.

“He doesn’t know my full name, but he gave me his before he left. He’s from Nashville. His name’s Knox Wellington.”

She blanches, recognition in her features. “Knox Wellington?”

I freeze. “Are you familiar?”

“Yes. Umm, we’ve done business with them in the past. Amelia, are you sure it was Knox Wellington?”

“It’s what he said his name was. I don’t see why he’d lie.”

Dread twists a knot in my belly at the way Grams grimaces and falls back against the cushion. “Darling, I…I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you. Knox Wellington. He’s married.”

It’s as if the wind’s knocked out of me.

Sunny goes rigid at my side.

“What?” I gasp. “How can that be? His brother was there. Surely he would’ve said something.” I turn to Sunny. “Right?”

“There has to be some sort of misunderstanding,” Sunny offers.

“I’ll drive to Nashville and flay the bastard myself,” Grams declares. “My word! Getting a young woman pregnant when he has grown children himself!”

I’m still reeling from her revelation. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be sick.

Sunny jumps up and screeches, “Wait!”

Grams and I both stare at her.

She points to Grams. “You said he has grown children?”

“Yes. Two boys, I believe.”

She swivels to me. “It’s not even remotely possible for your Knox to have grown children.”

It dawns on me. Relief rushes in as quickly as the anguish recedes. “It’s a family name.”

The ire drains from Grams’ face. “Well, that’s a relief. Although I still have half a mind to go kick this young man’s behind. He needs to know what he’s done.”

“Grams, calm down. First, this isn’t just on him. I was a willing participant. He doesn’t know yet. I’ll tell him. When I’m ready.”

I just don’t know when the hell that’ll be.


A plush baseball hits me on the side of my head. I glance up from my desk and see my brother frowning at me. “What the hell, Clay?”

“What the hell yourself, Knox? Mom called me. She’s worried about you.”

It’s my turn to frown. “She shouldn’t be. I’m fine.”

Clay lifts an eyebrow in disbelief. “Dude. All you’ve done since coming back from Crystal Cove is work and school.”

I lean back in my chair. “How is that different from any other school year?” I ask. “Besides, if I want to graduate early, I have to focus.”

“You don’t have to do any extra shit to graduate early. You’re on track, and with Dad getting ready to go back to work, you’ll have plenty of time to balance work and school. Why don’t you ever come out anymore? Maria and I haven’t seen you in weeks.”

“I’m too busy.”

“You’re full of shit is what you are.”

I scowl, because it pisses me off how well he can read me. Clay’s not only my brother, he’s my best friend. The person who knows me nearly better than I know myself. There’s no sense in lying to him.

“I have no desire to go out. To meet anyone else.”

Realization dawns in his eyes. “Ah. Meems.”

My eyes cut to his.

“So much for a summer fling. You fell for her. Just as quickly as I fell for Maria, even though you scoffed at the idea.”

I’m waiting for the “I told you so.”

“It wasn’t supposed to happen,” I say. “Hell, I don’t even know how it happened. One second, I was content just being with her, and the next, I couldn’t fathom a life without her. I don’t even know when or where the flip switched.”

“You never stood a chance.”

I move my gaze from my drink to Clay. “What do you mean?”

“I could see it on your face. It’s the same expression I’m sure I had when I met Maria.”

I groan. “Oh, hell, not this again.”

“Hey, I didn’t buy into it, either. Not until it happened to me. But there’s something to be said for the Wellington Way. It hit me like buckshot. One single moment splintered me into a thousand pieces. Pieces I never wanted put back together. Because going back to life before Maria? Unfathomable.”

He’s lucky his was just buckshot. I’ve taken on a Copyright 2016 - 2024