Conception (The Wellingtons #4) - Tessa Teevan Page 0,96

sits in stunned silence before muttering, “Holy shit.”

I echo her sentiments. “Indeed.”

“I mean, hell, you guys went at it like rabbits, but my gosh. I never… Wow… Fuck.”

“Is it bad that I’m happy?”

She rocks back onto her heels and contemplates my question. “Absolutely not. Babies are a blessing, even if they come unexpectedly.”

“I’d never, not in a million years, choose to be a single mom. At the same time, there’s no way in hell I’m giving my baby up.” Selfishly, I’m thrilled I’ll have a piece of him for the rest of my life. Thrilled at the idea of being a mom.

She squeezes my shoulder. “You won’t be alone, Meems. Not through any of this. I know you have a lot to think about. And probably discuss with your grams, but consider staying in Crystal Cove during your pregnancy.” She leans close and pats my belly. “What better place to get away and focus on your health and the health of this little one. And you’ll have me, Joe, Sam, and my grandma all there to help you along the way, with anything you need.”

I lob the idea around in my mind. “You know, that’s not a terrible idea. I’d have to take off the school year, but I think Grams would understand.”

“I’m going to be an auntie!” Sunny squeals, jumping up and hauling me up with her. She throws her arms around my neck, giving me a tight hug.

I’m going to be a mom.

This time, it isn’t bile rising in my stomach; it’s butterflies. They’re taking flight and swarming ferociously.

I know, deep down, I have to find a way to tell him. I just have no idea how.

Sunny reassuringly squeezes my hand when we drive up to Grams’ house the day after the concert. It feels like a lifetime ago when I stopped by here before leaving for Crystal Cove. And now that my life’s irrevocably changing, I want Grams to know as soon as possible.

It’ll be as much of a shock to her as it was to me.

It started that night, that last night with Knox. I’d been feeling under the weather, but I chalked it up to food poisoning. And when he left the next day, it appeared my appetite went with him. Looking back, I should’ve seen the signs. Hell, I did. I just thought they were signs of grief.

Not pregnancy.

We were careful until that day in the cave. After? Not so much.

I know biology. I just never thought it’d happen to me.

Those earlier butterflies gather in my belly as I wait for Grams to answer the door.

“Amelia, sweetheart, I didn’t expect you back for another few weeks,” Grams says as she pulls me in for a hug. She spies Sunny when she releases me. “Oh, Sunny, how wonderful to see you, too!”

“Hi, Mrs. Halloway. It’s good to see you as well.”

Grams ushers us into the house, and we follow her through the foyer and into her cozy living room. “I’ll grab some iced tea and be back in a jiffy.”

I take a seat on the couch, and Sunny sits beside me.

“It’s gonna be fine, Amelia,” she says. “I promise.”

I sigh. “I know. I’m just so nervous.”

Grams returns and places a tray with a pitcher of tea and three glasses. “If Sunny’s with you, I assume you’re not back for good.”

I clear my throat. “No. We came to town for the weekend. For the Journey concert.”

Grams’ eyes light up. “Oh, I just love that Steve Perry. The long, flowing hair, and the way he always shows off his chest.”

Sunny snickers, causing Grams to grin.

“Young lady, even at my age, I can appreciate the sex appeal.”

Sunny lifts her glass in agreeance.

“As much as I’d love to talk about the sex appeal of Steve Perry,” I say, “I need to talk to you.”

Grams just lifts an eyebrow and waits for me to proceed.

“I’ve decided to stay in Crystal Cove for the foreseeable future.”

Her forehead wrinkles. “What?” She looks me up and down and moves forward to sit on the edge of the sofa. “Are you well? You’re looking a bit thin. And your coloring is off. What’s going on, Amelia?”

“I’m not really sure how to say this…” I pause, and Sunny squeezes my hand. “I’m pregnant.”

Grams’ expression doesn’t waver. She blinks at me and tilts her head as if she’s processing the news.

“Grams?” I prompt.

“Oh, sweetheart,” she breathes. “Are you happy?”

I nod, and I mean it. “Yes. It was a shock, but once I processed it, I found Copyright 2016 - 2024