Conception (The Wellingtons #4) - Tessa Teevan Page 0,117

gave my forearm a squeeze. “I just want you to know I’m rooting for you guys. We all are. Even Sam.” She chuckled as I puffed up my chest. “Calm down, killer. He sees her like a little sister and vice versa. She didn’t even look at another man after you left. Now, you’re pretty great to look at, but there’s a baby in the house and these arms are way too empty.”

“If she starts to get tired—”

Sunny interrupted me with a boisterous laugh. “Don’t worry, papa bear. I won’t wear her out.”

With that, she flounced out of the room, the echo of her coos floating down the hall as she got her hands on my son.

My son.

Wonder how long it’ll take to get used to that.

I rest my hips back against the counter, taking a swig of a cold one, which is not nearly strong enough for my taste. But with my newborn son under the same roof, the last thing I’m going to do it tie one on. He needs me. She needs me.

My chest heaves as I release a deep sigh. I listen for a few beats, the sounds of Sunny’s and Amelia’s low murmurs and soft giggles floating down the hall. With this being Amelia’s first night home, I decide to give them space. For now. Plus, I have something I have to do. Part of me is bursting. The other part? That part has no fucking clue what to expect. But it doesn’t matter. Time to rip the Band-Aid off.

I cross the kitchen to the phone on the wall. Before I can change my mind, I pick up the receiver and dial my parents’ home telephone number. It’s Saturday, and I’m hoping they’re home together so I only have to spill the news once. And only get an earful once.

Fat chance.

“Wellington residence. How many I help you?”

I blow out a breath for the brief reprieve. “Hey, Jaclyn. It’s Knox.”

Our housekeeper’s smile practically radiates through the phone. “Oh, Knox, it’s so good to hear from you!”

I can’t help the wry smile that crosses my lips. “I’ve only been gone for a couple of days.”

“Psh,” she replies.

She’s worked for my parents’ estate since before I was born. She’s more like an aunt than my parents’ employee, and the affection goes both ways.

“Are my parents in?”

“Of course. Your mother’s in the kitchen with Maria, preparing a salad and her famous German potato salad, enjoying a nice red. I believe your father and Clay are outside working the grill. Probably with bourbon.”

I grin at Jaclyn’s conspiratorial tone. It’s like she’s warning me that my parents are imbibing without even knowing why I might appreciate the alert.

“Thanks, Jaclyn. Can you put Mom on the phone and then go holler at Dad? I need to speak with them both.”

Silence fills the other side of the line.


Her throat clears. “Is everything okay, honey?”

“Oh, yeah.” I breathe. “Life’s never been better.”

And just uttering those four words sets everything back on track. All nerves of telling my parents dissipate. Either they’re in this or they’re not. Amelia and Branson are my life now, and nothing matters more than the two of them.

“Glad to hear it, honey. I’ll go get your mom.”

I can hear her set the phone down, her signature one-inch pumps clacking across the hall, no doubt in a hurry to get to my mom, knowing full well she’ll spill the beans as soon as we hang up. She’d do it even without having a glass or two of wine in her. With her nice and warmed up from a good cab, I’ll be lucky if all of Nashville doesn’t know by the next morning. That is, if she’s actually happy for me.

“Knox,” Mom croons into the phone, slightly out of breath. “I’ve been waiting on pins and needles for you to call. You’re still there, so I assume that’s a good thing. Or, oh no, does that mean you’re still trying to win her back? Do you need me to come down there and knock some sense into the girl?”

I chuckle. Judging by her tone, she’s definitely on glass number three. “No, Mom. Please don’t come scaring her away when I’ve just gotten her back.”

Her sigh is wistful. “I knew you’d do it.”

I play it over in my head, wondering if I should tell her we aren’t exactly back together, but what’s the use? By the time my parents meet Amelia, she’ll be mine.

“Oh, here’s your father. Knox! Sweetheart, our son did Copyright 2016 - 2024